7 Easy Ways to Make You Smarter

6 min readJul 12, 2024


How to become smart
How to become Smarter

To succeed in life, you need a quick mind to solve problems and understand new ideas. Your success often depends on how smart you are, but everyone can get smarter with practice.

You can improve your mind by learning new things, understanding ideas deeply, and gaining new skills. Try to learn something new every day.

The more you learn and understand, the better your brain will work, helping you learn even more and live a smarter life. Here are some of the best ways to make your mind stronger and smarter, which will help you face challenges better in your work and life.

1. Read every day

Reading is like exercise for your brain. The more you read, the stronger your mind becomes. Reading is important because:

  • It’s a basic way to learn new things.
  • You can learn about any topic you’re interested in.
  • It helps your imagination grow.

Words are very important. They help us talk to each other and understand the world. Through words in books, you can explore new places and ideas.

Most people read about 250 words per minute. At this speed, you could read a short article in about 6 minutes. Some people learn to read faster, which is called speed reading. This can help you read more in less time.


  • Try to read a little bit every day.
  • Choose books or articles you enjoy.
  • The goal is to understand what you read, not just read quickly.

By making reading a habit, you’ll keep learning new things and make your brain stronger over time.

A boy reading book
Reading habit makes you more smarter (midjourney image)

2. Try to understand things deeply

Being smart isn’t just about knowing lots of facts. It’s about really understanding things. Smart people are good at:

  • Learning new skills quickly.
  • Adapting to changes.
  • Working well with others and on their own.

They understand their world deeply and can solve problems fast. This deep knowledge helps them do well.

To get smarter:

  1. Choose a few important topics.
  2. Learn about them deeply.
  3. Be honest about what you don’t know well.
  4. Work on understanding the basics first.


  • You need to understand how something works before you can fix it.
  • It’s good to know a little about many things.
  • It’s also important to know a lot about some things.

Start with the basics and build up. This way, you’ll have a strong foundation of knowledge to help you solve problems and learn even more.

3. Always ask questions and seek clarity

Asking questions is the most important way to become smarter. New ideas often start with questions and curiosity. Asking questions helps us:

  • Push the limits of what we know.
  • Understand our world better.

To get smarter, try to:

1. Be curious about everything.

2. Ask thoughtful questions that:

  • Check if ideas make sense.
  • Look at how things are reasoned.
  • Explore new ideas.

4. Practice asking questions that get to the main point.

5. Keep pushing for answers.

Tips to improve your questioning skills:

  • While working or reading, write down questions you have.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask when something isn’t clear.
  • Remember, getting better at asking questions takes time and practice.

By always being curious and asking questions, you’ll keep learning and understanding more about the world around you.

A boy holding a question mark to indicate always ask question
Always ask Question (Midjourney Image)

4. Add variety to your daily routine

To boost your brain power, try doing different things each day. Doing the same tasks over and over won’t make you smarter. While having a set schedule is good for sleep, don’t let your whole day become boring and repetitive.

Try new things to keep your mind fresh:

  • Eat lunch at a new place.
  • Take a walk and notice what’s around you.
  • Find new ways to do your usual tasks.
  • Step out of your comfort zone.

At work:

  • Switch between different tasks.
  • Look for new ways to do things.

These changes help:

  • Fight boredom.
  • Keep your mind sharp.
  • Use different parts of your brain.

Think of this as exercise for your brain. By doing various activities, you’re giving your mind a full workout and helping it grow stronger.

5. Go over what you’ve learned

Our brains remember new information best right after we learn it. If we don’t use this information soon, we might forget most of it in just a few days. To remember better, we need to move information into our long-term memory. The best way to do this is to review what we’ve learned often.

Here are some tips to help you remember:

1. Take notes:

  • While reading or studying.
  • Write down the main points after you finish.

2. Review daily:

  • Spend a few minutes each day looking over your notes.
  • This helps you see what you know and what you need to work on.

3. Rewrite your notes:

  • Try writing the information again in your own words.
  • This helps you understand the topic better.
  • It also makes it easier to remember later when you need it.

Making this a habit takes some effort, but it’s worth it. You’ll be surprised how much better you remember things when you review them regularly.

A girl Holding a pen
Take Notes (Midjourney Image)

6. Write down your ideas

As you learn more, your brain will start to make new connections. You’ll have more thoughts and “aha moments” — times when you suddenly understand something or have a great idea.

It’s important to keep track of these ideas:

1. Write them down:

  • Use a notebook, phone app, or computer.
  • Don’t trust your memory alone.

2. Keep your ideas close:

  • Have a place where you can easily find your notes.
  • Look at your ideas often.

3. Use your ideas:

  • Good ideas are only useful if you do something with them.
  • Don’t let great thoughts slip away.


  • Not every idea will be amazing.
  • Some ideas might not work out.
  • But sometimes, you might have an idea that could change your life.

By writing down your thoughts, you give yourself a chance to build on them later. This way, you won’t miss out on potentially great opportunities.

7. Be open to change

Sometimes, we hold ourselves back without realizing it. Even smart people can get stuck in old ways of thinking. To truly grow smarter, you need to:

  1. Be willing to make mistakes.
  2. Take risks.
  3. Try new things.
  4. Learn from your experiences.

As you learn more, you might find that some of your old ideas were wrong. This is okay and part of growing. To keep improving:

  1. Question your ideas.
  2. Talk about them with others.
  3. Listen to different opinions.
  4. Think carefully about what you learn.

Most importantly:

  • Be open to changing your mind.
  • Give yourself room to grow.
  • Keep seeking new knowledge.

Remember, it’s okay if your views change as you learn more. This is a sign that you’re getting smarter. As you continue to grow and learn, you’ll likely become more successful.

Related Articles:

  1. Be Smarter — Unlocking the Theta Brain Wave

2. Explore the Mysteries of Theta Brain Wave




"A passionate polymath, I thrive on exploring diverse fields of knowledge especially health and Technology. . I believe that knowledge gains value when shared.