Daniel Birkenmayer
1 min readOct 17, 2017


hi there, Francine

nice article though I am iritated about the main term you are using for such a wide range of believes. Pagan as we would use and understand it in Germany is reffereing to the person who does not share the belive of the majority (if we would belong to this majority). So the romans would call the christians Pagan in the early times, same as the jews would have called the early christian believers Pagans. Pagan in this sense is not a religion or beliefe and you cant call yourself Pagan because its somthing that you seperete/disciminate from yourself.
So Pagan, Heithan and Disbeliever are more or less terms to label someone to “not believe the right”.
However, interesting look into “your” world. THX

