3 min readJul 29, 2023


Affitrum: Promotes equitable remuneration for content creators and encourages direct engagement between advertisers and consumers.


The Affitrum platform is revolutionizing the way content creators are compensated and fostering a more direct relationship between advertisers and consumers. By promoting fair remuneration for creators and encouraging engagement, Affitrum is transforming the advertising industry and benefiting all parties involved.

In today’s digital landscape, content creators often struggle to receive fair compensation for their work. Many platforms take advantage of creators by offering minimal payment or relying on ad revenue that rarely filters down to the individual creators. This system not only undermines the hard work and talent of content creators but also diminishes the quality and diversity of the content available to consumers.

Affitrum’s innovative platform seeks to address this issue head-on by creating a fairer ecosystem for creators. Through Affitrum, creators are directly rewarded for their work based on the engagement and value they bring. This ensures that content creators receive proper recognition and compensation for their efforts, enabling them to continue producing high-quality content.

The platform also encourages direct engagement between advertisers and consumers. Traditionally, advertising has been somewhat disconnected from the end consumer, with ads often being served indiscriminately and without any personalization. This lack of engagement diminishes the relevance and effectiveness of ads, and can even lead to consumer apathy or annoyance.

Affitrum aims to change this by fostering a more direct relationship between advertisers and consumers. The platform enables advertisers to engage with their target audience more effectively by providing them with tools to personalize and tailor their ads. This ensures that ads are relevant, engaging, and valuable to the consumers, leading to a more positive user experience and higher conversion rates for advertisers.

By directly involving consumers in the advertising process, Affitrum empowers individuals to have a say in the type of content they consume and the ads they engage with. This shift allows for more transparency, as consumers can actively choose which content and advertising they support. Furthermore, consumers can provide feedback and insights directly to advertisers, helping them improve their products or services based on real-time feedback.

The Affitrum platform’s emphasis on equitable remuneration for creators and direct engagement between advertisers and consumers has the potential to revolutionize the digital advertising industry. By moving away from traditional models that exploit creators and disengage consumers, Affitrum is building a more sustainable and equitable ecosystem where all parties benefit.

Content creators can finally receive fair compensation for their hard work and talent, motivating them to continue producing high-quality content. Advertisers can build more meaningful connections with their target audience, leading to higher conversion rates and better ROI. Lastly, consumers have the power to choose the content and advertising they consume, ensuring a more relevant and enjoyable online experience.


$Affi Tokenomics

Contract: 0xdd839b26B9d5c10b8744832192EF9971300Ee4BA



Decimal: 6

Total supply: 100,000,000 $AFFI


1. Airdrop - 40% (40,000,000 $AFFI)

2. Private Sale - 0.5% (500,000 $AFFI)

3. Liquidity & CEX Listings -19.5% (19,500,000 $AFFI)

4. Burn - 24% (24,000,000 $AFFI)

5. Rewards to Holders - 16% (16,000,000 $AFFI)


The Affitrum platform is driving positive change in the advertising industry. By promoting equitable remuneration for creators and fostering direct engagement between advertisers and consumers, Affitrum is creating a more fair, transparent, and rewarding ecosystem for all involved parties.


Webiste: https://affitrum.ai

Telegram: https://t.me/affitrum

Twitter: https://twitter.com/affitrum

Medium: https://medium.com/@affitrum

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPL3Ff4xfY2z18rBC1Xjtg

Facebook: https://facebook.com/affitrum

Instagram: https://instagram.com/affitrum

Github: https://github.com/affitrum


Telegram Username: Dabiong

ETH Address: 0xA655E731CF66dA9D8f6F8B0e0cFc2db61ed8D3Cd

