⚔️ Cross-platform React Native applications — Good or bad?

5 min readJan 3, 2023


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As the demand for mobile apps continues to grow, developers are constantly on the lookout for ways to build apps more efficiently and const-effectively. One solution that has gained a lot of traction in recent years is cross-platform development, which allows developers to build a single app that can run on multiple platforms. Developing a single app that can run on multiple platforms can save a lot of time and money compared to developing separate native apps for each platform.

React Native is often hailed as a solution for building cross-platform mobile application quickly and efficiently. While this may be true in some cases , it’s important to recognize that there are also significant disadvantages to consider before choosing React Native as your development platform. So in today’s blog we’ll be discussing both the goods and bad in building cross-platform applications using React Native.


  1. Cost-effective: as mentioned above, building a single app that can run on multiple platforms can save a lot of time and money compared to developing separate native apps for each platform. This is especially useful for small and medium-sized businesses that may not have the resources to maintain separate codebases for Android and iOS.
  2. Shared codebase: React Native allows you to share a significant portion of you codebase between platforms, which means you don’t have to maintain separate codebases for Android and iOS. This can save a lot of time and effort, and make it easier to keep your app up to date across multiple platforms.
  3. High performance: One of the key concerns with cross-platform frameworks is performance, but React Native uses native components, which means the performance of your app will be on par with a native app.
  4. Large Community: React Native has a large and active community of developers, which means you’ll have access to a wide range of third-party libraries and resources. This can make it easier to add new features and functionality to your app.
  5. Declarative style: React Native uses a declarative style of programming, which makes it easy to understand and debug your code. This can be especially useful for developers who are new to mobile development, as it can make it easier to get up to speed with the framework.
  6. Supports third-party plugins: As we mentioned on our last blog React Native allows you to use native third-party plugins, which can be useful for adding features that may not be supported by the framework out of the box. This can also save you much valuable development time as you wont’ have to worry about building complex functionality/components from scratch
  7. Strong Documentation and updates: React Native has strong documentation and a large number of tutorials and resources available online, which can make it easier to learn and use the framework. React Native is also regularly updated with new features and improvements, which can help keep your application up to date and maintain its long-term viability.


  1. Limited Native Features: One of the main drawbacks of using React Native is that it doesn’t have access to all of the native features of Android and iOS. This means that if you want to use a specific feature that isn’t supported by React Native, you will either have to find a workaround or build it yourself. This can be time-consuming and may not always be possible.
  2. Performance Issues: Another potential problem with React Native is that it can lead to performance issues, particularly on older devices, Since the code is translated into native components at runtime, it can be slower than a fully native app. This can be especially noticeable when dealing with complex animations or large amounts of data.
  3. Difficult to Debug: Debugging a React Native application can be challenging, especially if you are not familiar with the platform. The process of finding and fixing bugs can be time-consuming, and there may not be as much support available compared to fully native platforms.
  4. Limited Customization: While React Native does allow for some customization, it may not be as extensive as you would get with a fully native app. This can be problem if you have specific design requirements or want to take advantage of the latest native features.
  5. Required knowledge of both native and web technologies: Developing with React Native required knowledge of both native and web technologies, which can be a steep learning curve for some developers.
  6. Larger app size: React Native apps may be larger in size than fully native apps due to the inclusion of the JavaScript runtime.
  7. Dependency of third-party libraries: Although also an advantage relying on third-party libraries can introduce additional complexity and maintenance requirements.

Closing thoughts

In conclusion, while React Native can be a useful tool for building cross-platform mobile applications, it is important to carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages before deciding to use it. On the plus side, React Native allows for faster development and the ability to share code between Android and iOS platforms. However, it also has its limitations, such as limited native feature support, potential performance issues, and difficulty debugging. Ultimately, the decision to use React Native will depend on the specific needs and requirements of your project. It may be a good fit in some cases, but in others, it may be better to go with fully native development.

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