Dave Coker
Jun 28, 2023


But not everyone who died on that submersible was a billionaire, most notably the CEO Stockton Rush. By most accounts he was worth about $25M, or somewhere between High Net Worth or Ultra High Net Worth. Paul-Henry Nargeolet, the French was ex-military and certainly not a billionaire, neither was the 19 year old kid. So most of the people that died were not billionaires, or even very wealthy.

People that use events like this to express their personal views on wealth are uninformed idiots at best — five people died, that is all that matters.

Personally, I don’t think tours of a graveyard (aka, “Titanic”) should be allowed. And that company should pay for all the resources mobilise in the search and rescue. I doubt they have adequate / any insurance, so problem solved — we won’t see any other excursions to a Titanic.

At least manned.



Dave Coker

Retired Investment Banker, Deutsche Bank, ABN AMRO, Moodys. Retired University Lecturer, London. Financially independent student of markets. American / British.