Who controls karma ?

Dada Bhagwan
2 min readAug 20, 2018

What is karma? Karma, as a word, has been used very loosely. If you are reading this page, it’s likely that you are one amongst thousands who is truly seeking the right understanding of this misunderstood word — “Karma”.

You are possibly here to understand how our intentions, motives, desires and the emotional drive with which we conduct our actions have an effect on our lives and how they are related to the term “Karma”.

The karma meaning in Sanskrit is to perform a deed or action. It includes actions that we do, not only through our body, but also through speech and mind.

  • Some have referred to karma meaning an echo of the past and also say it creates the future.
  • Common acts like going to work, good deeds, charity, etc. also define karma in general.
  • However, Revered Dadashri, who has attained the knowledge of Self, gives a deeper insight on what is karma and explains that those acts are actually fruits of karma bound in one’s previous life. Thus, whatever you see externally in the current life are all the fruits of one’s inner intents of one’s past life.

Revered Dadashri, through very simple language, gives us the following key understandings on the theory of Karma:

  • Fruits of Karma are not punishment or retribution, but simply, consequences of our inner intents.
  • The seeds of Karma are sown in the past life and give their fruits in this life. Who gives the fruits of these Karmas? God? No. Karma meaning that it ripens into our experiences when the appropriate conditions come together. It is given by nature, which Dadashri refers to as ‘Scientific Circumstantial Evidences’ (Vyavasthit Shakti).
  • The key reasons for charging of Karma are the inner intent behind the action and ignorance of the Self.

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Read more on: We are our own Karmic projection

Understand more about karma and get a free book.

You will find answers to the above questions and gain additional insights via the book titled “Science of Karma.” Many interesting facts of becoming free from Karmic bonds have been revealed in this book.

You will gradually unveil more life-changing secrets. You will also learn about the different kinds of Karma and techniques to unwind past Karma, wash away negativity and experience inner peace in this life.

To obtain a free copy, click here.



Dada Bhagwan

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan is a Gnani Purush and the founder of Akram Vignan, who is not only Self-Realized, but also has the spiritual power to enlighten others.