My One Year Old Is Fearless

Solomon —The New Dad
4 min readApr 11, 2020


Pexels — Nappy

Despite the challenges we face, my son continues to surprise my wife & I with his unique perspective on life. This little bundle of joy is happy to use unconventional methods to get his way.

Before I share what went well, here a few interesting things we found to be super-cool about my one-year-old. Please excuse my enthusiasm; I’m new to this parenting thing.

No Challenge Is Too Great

I’m not kidding guys, he seems to be on the hunt for new stimuli despite being preoccupied with another activity.

This is the stage where toddlers take the time to explore and understand their world. This guy is looking to fast-track the exploration process. He is constantly pushing himself to achieve his goals in the shortest possible time. If the task is difficult he’ll cry or mumble, but make no mistake he will get it done. Let me explain:

Five months in and he started to creep, he’d cry if his movements were too “slow” — unbelievable. Even without fully mastering that challenge, we’d notice him holding on to stuff.

His next challenge was walking. Even though this has been the biggest challenge he found the fastest way out.

Walking became a piece of cake.

It took him a month to start walking — without aid — with a rather interesting bootstrap technique.

Example of a basket he flipped.

The signs were there, as early October (7months) he used random objects as support beams while standing. Then in December, he did something magical. He flipped his toy basket & use it to support his walking. This provided him with the confidence needed to achieve his goal. We’d often see him strolling across the room pushing his self-made walker. On January 10, we witnessed his first step without the help of his basket. A few weeks later, February 12 (11 months) he officially started walking. He celebrated his accomplishment by walking across the room with arms spread wide (for balancing). The following week he started running between the lounge room & bedroom.

He is Fearless

He is constantly changing his approach to challenges. If his first few attempts failed, he’ll go away then return with a new strategy.

Example of the plug socket cover he removed

The plug socket covers are a perfect example of this. We added these safety covers while baby-proofing the apartment. But he is fascinated by them for reasons I’m yet to grasp. After eight months of constant tugging and scratching, he was finally able to pry them out.

I also banished him from the kitchen; that made it more appealing to him. He’d try and wander off into the kitchen but his efforts often fail. This tiny human would then play next to the kitchen entrance. Once my eyes are off him, he’d make a quick run for it.

What Went Well

I can’t say if all things will all rosy from this point onward. Nonetheless counting the small blessings is something we’re grateful for:

  • He is a books worm. His face would lit up during story time and you can see his eyes searching for that one page he finds entertaining.
  • He is a full-blown copycat. Babies are like a sponge but I didn’t expect him to put his shirt over his face. I only did it once so I didn’t expect him to try.
  • His skin shows no evidence that he has eczema. This feels like the much-needed light at the end of the tunnel.
  • He is healthy from both a physical and mental standpoint.
  • Parenting is hard, but consistency is key. The routines we’ve created helped and I’d encourage other parents to do the same.

Areas Of Improvement

  • I’m constantly worrying about his safety (parental OCD) to the extent where it affects my decision-making process. And being a new parent doesn’t make it any easier, but counting to ten and deep breaths works.
  • The TV is a poor role model and I need to do a better job controlling this exposure. There is an advert with a kid who stuck his buttock in the air; lo & behold the copycat is living up to his name. #BadTVRudeTV



Solomon —The New Dad

Wow, I’m a dad! Join me as I share my experiences with my son who has eczema, allergic to milk, soy and non-cotton fabric. Parenting is hard stuff!