2018 TL;DR

2018 was a huge year for DADI. From the closing of the Crowdsale in January, to the high pace of development of the edge network (7,840 commits since January 01st 💪), we’ve been flat out in delivery — #BUIDL!

EDGE Network
6 min readJan 22, 2019


We’ve launched the world’s first edge network, with points of presence in 96 countries (and counting!), grown our engineering team, launched $DADI on several exchanges, agreed a bunch of exciting partnerships, launched the DADI Foundation, shipped our first physical device and much, much more. In fact we hit all of our planned milestones for the year, knocking down the items in our roadmap one by one.

We delivered 26 new versions of DADI API (taking it from v2.2 to v4.2.1), 24 versions of DADI CDN (taking it from v1.13.3 to v3.4.5), 6 versions of DADI Web (taking it from v3.1.1 to v6.1.1) and 18 versions of DADI Publish (taking it from v1.0.3 to v2.0.2).

During the year the backbone of the Edge network grew significantly, with 20 Stargates now online, and a further 25 due online in 2019.

Project updates

There were hundreds of updates in 2018 — too many to list in full, but you can see them all here. Here’s a rundown of some of our favorites:

CIO for the office of the deputy prime minister joins DADI

“I’m delighted to be part of this venture, a radical new use of Blockchain that unlocks and repurposes latent assets to deliver truly decentralised digital services at scale.” — David Wilde


Introducing the DADI Foundation

“There is growing evidence that we need to reframe technology’s role in a world with an increasingly unequal distribution of wealth and power. We look forward to addressing that challenge by using technology in a proactive, positive way — helping the tech industry and human rights sector to tackle root causes of injustice, and bridging the gap between technological expertise and human rights activism.” — Jennifer Martin-Nye, CEO, The DADI Foundation


How we’re using design to bring edge networking in to the home

It is only by addressing the consumer space that the blockchain can be truly be made mainstream. Mass adoption will happen when the technology of the blockchain fades in to the background, becoming incidental to the delivery of a service or utility with tangible benefit. User experience is the key to the future of our industry, and we’re working to help facilitate this by imagining devices in the home with dual purpose.


How we’re reimagining the home as a data center

The DADI network is predicated on the premise that there is a huge amount of spare computing capacity within individual home environments.

In the USA (ranked 15th in the world for average network speeds), average downstream speeds to the home are 64.17 Mbps, while average upstream speeds sit at 22.79 Mbps. While this is a long way from a tier 1 datacenter, it is a huge amount when looked at through a macro lens.


DADI partners with Agorai to bring machine learning to the edge

The democratisation of the internet is a founding principle of DADI, making our partnership with Agorai — the blockchain-based marketplace offering fair access to artificial intelligence software and data assets — the perfect fit.


DADI mainnet switches live

DADI CDN is the first ‘network-ready’ decentralized application in the Edge network.


DADI partners with London Block Exchange for FCA regulated on ramp

We are proud to announce a wide-ranging partnership today for DADI with London Block Exchange(LBX). Our companies will be working together to blend complementary expertise — with LBX providing a fiat on/off ramp for customers of the DADI network and DADI making available its dApps including Publish, API, Web and CDN for use on LBX.com.


The design story of the Founding Node

Our Founding Node is a first step in onboarding contributors at scale to the DADI Edge network. Every recipient of the device will help lay the foundations of a new, fairer internet — and we chose to manufacture something special for this first wave as a thank you to our earliest supporters.


DADI Store detailed — storage for the edge

With DADI CDN now live on the network (and in constant iteration) we turn our thoughts to the next of our dApps to be rolled out — DADI Store. Scheduled for Q3 2018, Store is in simple terms a decentralized file storage solution bringing all the benefits of the DADI network to those who want a place to keep photos, documents or media files. That means a faster and more cost-effective service — we are projecting a bandwidth saving of up to 60% — plus the security benefits of distributed file storage.


Edge services


We delivered 26 new versions of DADI API in 2018, taking it from v2.2 to v4.2.1, with the latest version providing enterprise features such as media fields, support for arbitrary metadata on media documents and full ACL.

Key links:


We delivered 24 new versions of DADI CDN in 2018, taking it from v1.13.3 to v3.4.5, with the latest build network ready and already carrying production traffic in the Edge network.

Key links:


We delivered 6 versions of DADI Web in 2018, taking it from v3.1.1 to v6.1.1, adding a comprehensive debug view amongst many other enhancements.

Key links:

DADI Publish

18 versions of DADI Publish (taking it from v1.0.3 to v2.0.2).

Key links:

What’s in store for 2019

  1. Self serve for CDN, the first service available in the Edge network
  2. The release of full pricing for network services
  3. Development and delivery of the edge compute application layer
  4. New partnership announcements
  5. +lots, lots more

Finally, a thank you

DADI is the world’s first edge network, and is at the forefront of a step change in our industry. 2018 was a huge year, full of firsts and hundreds of developments. There’ll be no let up in our pace in 2019 — onboarding customers to the network, developing our containerised application layer and focusing on network growth.

The ongoing support of the community means a huge amount to the entire team. Thank you for being part of our journey.

Happy New Year.



EDGE Network

Peer-to-peer serverless infrastructure, powered by blockchain technology and built using the spare capacity all around us. The future of the cloud is Edge.