Servlets And JSP In Java

7 min readMay 21, 2023


JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Servlets are two fundamental technologies for developing dynamic web applications in Java. JSP allows developers to embed Java code within HTML pages, while Servlets provide a server-side processing model for handling client requests and generating dynamic responses.

In this article, we will explore the concepts of JSP and Servlets, their methods, and how they work together to create robust web applications.

JavaServer Pages (JSP):

JavaServer Pages provide a simplified approach to web development by allowing developers to combine HTML markup with Java code. JSP pages are compiled into Servlets before being executed on a web server. Let’s take a look at some of the key methods and techniques used in JSP:

a) <% ... %> Scriptlets:

Scriptlets are sections of embedded Java code within JSP pages. They are enclosed within <% ... %> tags and can be used to perform dynamic computations, access databases, or manipulate data.

b) <%= ... %> Expressions:

Expressions are used to embed the result of an expression or variable directly into the HTML output. They are enclosed within <%= ... %> tags and provide a concise way to display dynamic content within a JSP page.

c) <%! ... %> Declarations:

Declarations define methods or variables that can be accessed throughout the JSP page. They are enclosed within <%! ... %> tags and provide a way to encapsulate reusable code within the JSP.

d) Implicit Objects:

JSP provides a set of implicit objects that are automatically available on the JSP page. These objects include request, response, session, application, and many more. They can be accessed directly within the JSP page to perform various operations.

e) JSP Tag Libraries:

JSP Tag Libraries provide a way to encapsulate reusable components or functionality. They allow developers to create custom tags that can be used within JSP pages, promoting code modularity and reusability. Tag Libraries can range from simple UI components to complex business logic implementations.

f) JSP Expression Language (EL):

JSP EL simplifies the process of accessing and manipulating data within JSP pages. It provides a concise syntax for retrieving values from JavaBeans, accessing arrays and collections, performing arithmetic operations, and more. EL reduces the need for scriptlets and enhances the readability and maintainability of JSP code.


Servlets are Java classes that are specifically designed to handle HTTP requests and generate dynamic responses. They provide a robust server-side processing model and are widely used in web application development. Let’s explore some key methods and techniques used in Servlets:

a) doGet() and doPostMethods:

Servlets typically override the doGet()and doPost() methods to handle HTTP GET and POST requests, respectively. These methods receive the request object and response object as parameters, allowing developers to process the request data and generate the appropriate response.

b) init() and destroy() Methods:

The init() method is called when a Servlet is initialized, typically during server startup. It can be used to perform initialization tasks such as establishing database connections or loading configuration data. The destroy() method is called when the Servlet is being shut down and can be used to release any resources held by the Servlet.

c) Request and Response Objects:

Servlets have access to request and response objects, which encapsulate the incoming HTTP request and outgoing HTTP response, respectively. These objects provide methods to retrieve request parameters, set response headers, write content to the response, and more.

d)Session Management:

Session management is a crucial aspect of web application development, and both JSP and Servlets provide mechanisms to manage user sessions. The HttpSession object allows developers to store session-specific data, such as user preferences or shopping cart items, and share it across multiple requests. By utilizing session management, developers can create personalized experiences, implement authentication and authorization, and maintain stateful interactions with users.


The RequestDispatcher interface provides a way to forward requests from one Servlet to another or include the response of another Servlet within the current request/response cycle. This feature allows developers to modularize their application logic and reuse existing Servlets to handle specific tasks. RequestDispatcher enhances code organization, promotes reusability, and simplifies the management of complex request/response flows.


The sendRedirect method is used to redirect clients to a different URL. It sends an HTTP response to the client with a new location, and the client’s browser automatically makes a new request to that location. This feature is commonly used for navigation, handling form submissions, and implementing the Post-Redirect-Get (PRG) pattern. sendRedirect provides a seamless way to manage user flow and prevent duplicate form submissions.


Cookies are small pieces of data stored on the client’s browser. They allow web applications to maintain state information across multiple requests and track user interactions. JSP and Servlets provide APIs to read and write cookies, enabling functionalities like user authentication, remembering user preferences, and tracking user activities. Cookies offer a convenient way to personalize user experiences and provide persistent data storage on the client side.

h)Servlet Filters:

Servlet Filters provide a powerful mechanism for intercepting and modifying requests and responses before they reach the Servlet. They can be used for tasks such as authentication, authorization, logging, compression, and more. Filters enable developers to apply common functionality across multiple Servlets without duplicating code.

MVC Architecture:

JSP and Servlets can be used within the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. Servlets act as the controllers, handling requests and coordinating the flow of data. JSP pages serve as the views, responsible for presenting the data to the user. By separating concerns and following MVC principles, applications become more modular, maintainable, and scalable.

  1. Model:

The Model represents the data and business logic of the application. It encapsulates the database operations and interacts with JDBC to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

In the context of JDBC with Servlets and JSP, the Model is typically implemented within the Servlets. Servlets are responsible for handling database interactions, executing queries, and updating or retrieving data from the database.

2. View:

The View is responsible for presenting the data to the user. In the case of JDBC with Servlets and JSP, JSP pages serve as the View. They generate HTML or other markup to display the data retrieved from the Model.

JSP pages can access the data stored in request attributes and use JSP’s tag libraries, expressions, or scriptlets to dynamically render the data in a user-friendly format.

3. Controller:

The Controller acts as the intermediary between the Model and View components. It receives user requests, processes them, and coordinates the interaction between the Model and View.

In the context of JDBC with Servlets and JSP, Servlets serve as the Controller. They handle user requests, interact with the Model to retrieve or update data and forward the request to the appropriate JSP page for rendering the response.

Differences between JSP and Servlets:

  1. Syntax and Paradigm:

a)JSP: JSP follows a combination of HTML and Java code paradigms, allowing developers to embed Java code within HTML markup.

b)Servlets: Servlets are Java classes that handle the entire processing logic on the server side without mixing with HTML.

2. Purpose and Design:

a) JSP: JSP is primarily focused on providing a presentation layer for web applications, enabling the creation of dynamic web pages.

b) Servlets: Servlets are designed to handle requests, perform business logic, and generate dynamic responses. They are more suitable for complex processing tasks.

3. Development Ease:

a) JSP: JSP simplifies web development by allowing developers to mix HTML and Java code, providing a familiar syntax for web designers.

b) Servlets: Servlets require a deeper understanding of Java programming and web protocols, offering greater flexibility and control over the request/response cycle.

4. Reusability and Modularity:

a) JSP: JSP pages can be included within other JSP pages, making them reusable for creating consistent layouts or UI elements.

b) Servlets: Servlets can be reused across different web applications or within the same application, making them more suitable for building modular business logic components.

5) Separation of Concerns:

a) JSP: The mixing of Java code and HTML markup in JSP pages can lead to tight coupling between presentation and application logic.

b) Servlets: Servlets provide a clearer separation of concerns, isolating the application logic from the presentation layer, which promotes better maintainability and testability.

Which is best to use and why?

The choice between JSP and Servlets depends on the specific requirements and design of the web application. Both technologies have their advantages and use cases. However, in many scenarios, using a combination of JSP and Servlets is considered the best approach.

a) JSP simplifies the development process by providing a familiar HTML-like syntax and allowing for easy mixing of Java code within HTML. It is well-suited for creating dynamic web pages and handling presentation-related tasks.

b) Servlets offer more flexibility and control over server-side processing. They are ideal for complex business logic, data manipulation, and handling requests and responses. Servlets provide a clear separation of concerns and are reusable, making them suitable for building modular and scalable applications.


In conclusion, both JSP and Servlets are valuable components in Java web development. JSP simplifies the presentation layer by allowing the embedding of Java code within HTML, while Servlets offer greater control and flexibility for server-side processing. The choice between JSP and Servlets depends on the specific requirements of the application.

In practice, using a combination of JSP and Servlets is often the best approach. JSP handles the presentation layer, providing dynamic web pages, while Servlets handles business logic, request processing, and generating dynamic responses. This combination promotes a clear separation of concerns, enhances reusability, and provides a scalable and maintainable architecture for web applications.

By understanding the differences between JSP and Servlets and leveraging their strengths, developers can make informed decisions and choose the appropriate technology or combination thereof to build robust, scalable, and feature-rich Java web applications.

