Community update

EDGE Network
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2018

In preparing for the DADI crowdsale we spent a lot of time researching the market in order for us to ensure that we came out of the gate with the most differentiation possible.

Everybody researches the market and the whole industry is built on a layering of concepts. Yes, the copy in section 3.6.4 of our white paper is a mistake (which has been rectified), but it’s one page out of 70 — c300 words out of 11,758. The words in dispute were left in the document from earlier research material and should have been edited out: the details provided were not representative of the current state of network development.

This is how we’re different from SONM and the rest of the market:

  • DADI is over four years old, with technology in market
  • We have a mature technology team –18 senior staff with experience across infrastructure, broadcast, finance, retail and publishing among others. For details see our team page
  • There are over 200 brands live on our web services
  • Our testnet for the blockchain network is in production today
  • We’re a profitable business with c2.m spent on R&D to date
  • We’ve made over 8,500 commits to our core repos in Git
  • Our web services span multiple core delivery areas including content delivery, APIs, HTTP delivery, Publishing tools, big data, data visualisation, CRM and AI
  • Our network has backbone that is being built with leading data center providers and has network scrubbing built in
  • We have three node types: Stargates, Gateways and Hosts
  • Our unique node setup allows us to work as a “drop in” on home networks — no router configuration required
  • We eschew IP pooling for Remote Procedure calls (RPC) using GRPC to distribute http request from a single Gateway to multiple Hosts within the network
  • We use Apache Zookeeper at Stargate level to manage the creation and distribution of ad-hoc VPCs to meet customer demand
  • We deploy apps on Hosts with Docker, running behind encryption on a VM
  • We don’t multi-tenancy: every Host in the network is dedicated to a single customer
  • Our Host node performs very well on low powered machines

+Our roadmap is packed full and delivering to schedule.

We’ve had a number of enquiries on our social channels about the difference between us and SONM, and we prepared an article almost two months ago explaining these on our forum. You can read it here.

To our minds, there is no question that DADI is a product that is unique in market.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. We’ve got many more updates and announcements to make in the coming days and weeks, so stay tuned.



EDGE Network
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Peer-to-peer serverless infrastructure, powered by blockchain technology and built using the spare capacity all around us. The future of the cloud is Edge.