DADI Presale / Whitelist lottery draw

EDGE Network
Published in
1 min readJan 12, 2018

This may be the most-asked question since we started our Crowdsale adventure: how do I get a place on the DADI presale whitelist? As many of you know, we had to run a lottery and those results are announced today.

Obviously we’d have preferred not to limit the places, but so oversubscribed was the applications list that we had to find a fair way of distributing the places. So here, for the sake of openness, is the process we followed to select it.

Of the 2,500 applicants for the Presale whitelist lottery, 1,893 were entered for the draw:

  • 173 duplicates were removed
  • 28 were suppressed having opted out of communication from us
  • 18 invalid emails were removed
  • 294 entries without a Discord or Telegram username were removed
  • 56 entries that put in more the $10k cap were removed
  • 28 entries with an invalid wallet address were removed
  • 10 entries without a wallet were removed

We used the following command to pick the winners at random from a csv containing the applicants:

sort -R applicants.csv | head -n 500 >winners.csv

The winning applicants indicated a total amount of $2,942,573, meaning that at least $1,057,427 (35.94% of the Presale pot) will be offered to lottery applicants after the initial whitelist period (which is 6 hours).

Successful applicants for the whitelist will be notified by email shortly.

If you didn’t get selected, don’t worry! Applicants to the lottery will be automatically whitelisted for the second stage of the Presale, which will give them access to anything unsold in the first stage.



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