DADI status report

Q4 2017

EDGE Network
3 min readNov 9, 2017


Welcome to the first of what will be quarterly status reports. We will be publishing these high-level updates each quarter to help keep the community across development progress. The status reports are in addition to our fortnightly roadmap updates and ad-hoc release notices.

Delightfully (and not by design we promise!), we are running some way ahead of schedule this quarter. The beta release of Publish is with us and we have reached significant milestones for API, Web, CLI and Queue. (The latter two were original pegged for Q1 2018.)

We’ve built a testing platform for core network components (Stargates, Gateways and Hosts) and will be installing them in a secure facility and performing live tests in the coming months.

For the full DADI roadmap, visit

Delivered to date in Q4

Our first Stargate

Build completed November 06th 2017

These are the internals of Stargate 1:

It’s a high spec custom build designed as a test bed for network performance (throughput, latency, messaging etc.) in a small (c10 Host) decentralised network. It’s early days, but we’re making strong progress and will be publishing much more on this front in the coming weeks and months.

Beta release of Publish

Delivered October 10th 2017

First full public Beta of DADI’s publishing interfaces. This is a production ready build, complete with baseline test coverage.

API milestone release (v3.0)

Delivered October 31st 2017

Performance gains and a break from reliance on MongoDB, opening up the potential for using API on top of any storage engine.

Web milestone release (v4.0)

Delivered September 13th 2017

Focuses on performance improvements and simplifying of the codebase — and to bring a faster experience for the end user.

DADI CLI 2.0 released

Delivered October 31st 2017

Includes an auto-update feature so you can use the latest versions of DADI products, as we roll them out, without manually updating the CLI module.

DADI Queue 2.1.0 release

Delivered October 27th 2017

Milestone release including a modification that allows you to send object data to the workers rather than only strings.

Coming up

  1. Smart Contracts for the Crowdsale to be published to Github in the coming weeks (currently in testing in a private blockchain)
  2. Completion of our hardware testbed and initial performance results
  3. Draft paper detailing our approach to network economics
  4. DADI CDN v2.0
  5. Public Beta of DADI Track

Written by Joseph Denne. Joseph is the Founder & CEO of DADI.



EDGE Network

Peer-to-peer serverless infrastructure, powered by blockchain technology and built using the spare capacity all around us. The future of the cloud is Edge.