Dad Tip: Put Your Phone Down | Caleb Rule

Rob Roseman
2 min readDec 5, 2019
Caleb Rule: Dad Life |

Here’s Caleb RuleDigital marketing expert, pickleball player, and Dad to 1 son (19 months) with a baby girl on the way, with this week’s Dad Tip:

Caleb: I know that technology has been kind of thematic for some of the dad tips.

As a thirty-year-old, I have a lot of friends who are moving into Parenthood, whether in their mid-to-late twenties or early thirties, they’re moving this way.

My tip is: Don’t be afraid to put the phone down, and put it away.

There is a lot of data when it comes to meetings in the workplace — that if your phone is near you, you’re distracted. Even if it’s face down on the table in front of you, you are not fully engaged with the conversation that’s happening in the meeting.

I think Harvard Business Review has a lot of information on this.

Do the same at home.

My generation is absolutely hooked to our phones, and I do the same, but your child is only this little once.

So, my wife and I are really trying to just put the phone down. put it away in a designated space when I get home, and then for a couple hours, it’s just me and the kids, or me and the wife.

Dad Tip: Put Your Phone Down

Watch Time: 1 minute

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And here’s a bonus Dad Tip from Caleb:

Dad Tip: Let Your Kids Tell You How To Play

Watch Time: 1 minute

Watch on YouTube:

Or, listen on your favorite podcast player.

Here’s a quick recap with Caleb Rule:

Back at you next week with another quick tip, that will change how you look at being a father. 🤜 🤛


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