Daev Emruby
Apr 25, 2024


"Many women have ridiculous standards for men. They want a guy in the top 10% of the male dating pool. The hilarious part is that they are WAY down from the top 10% of the female dating pool. This is EXACTLY the definition of entitlement. "

Yet, you just did the same thing by saying your ideal *lower 10% of female dating pool* doesn't deserve someone in the top 10% of the male pool*. There's your first problem. It's called being classist. Maybe think before spouting off shit like that again. It doesn't matter WHERE a person comes from or how much money they have, or how good looking they are. If they are happy together, it's really not your say. It's not entitlement to want a good person in your life, even if they are at the opposite *pool*. SMH.



Daev Emruby

Owner/Artist of KitnForge Arts, She/They, Neurodivergent, Non-binary, Loves Pineapple on Pizza, Cats, and Gaming.