Ego can become a big problem in relationships. Friendship, love affair or family relations can be ruined because of ego issues of one person. Ego is a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance. When a person feels that their importance is being compromised or they are losing their value then the ego of the person gets hurt.

We all have an ego, but the person who is dominated by their ego have low self-esteem when compared with others. The source of their motivation is other people’s approval. When the approval from the other people decreases, their self-image gets disturbed. They cover up by being rude or by trying to dominate the other person. In a relationship, this defense hurts the other person and creates hurdles in the relationship between the two people. The ego problems in a relationship are the reason why most of the relationships break. Jealousy, pride, perfection, and fear of rejection are a few issues that come hand in hand with ego.

Like you may deny of having said something to your partner which made you feel guilty. So, how do you avoid ego problems in your relationship?

1. Don’t Be Too Tough

It often happens that you take things very seriously. Every joke your partner makes hurts you because you take it personally. It happens because you feel that they are making fun of you. You feel that your partner does not respect you, but that is not true. Sometimes, it is better not to let every little thing affect you so much. Your partner is with you because they love you and respect you. There is a reason they are with you.

2. Accepting You Were Wrong

Denying what you did as a defense mechanism is wrong. By denying your mistake, you deny your relationship with the partner. You start feeling guilty, and remorse arises which you cannot express because you have lied. If you accept your mistake, you will be proved a liar and your partner will not trust you again. Accepting that you were wrong will give you an opportunity to improve.

3. You Can’t Be Perfect

Everybody has their limitations. A person’s abilities to work is limited. You cannot work or achieve beyond your capability. You should know that you are not the best. You cannot reach perfection no matter how much you try. There will always be something that you cannot do. Every person has their own set of skills and qualities which the other person may lack.You should respect every person for who they are.

4. Stop Showing Off Your Accomplishments

Boasting your achievements can spoil your relationship with your partner. By talking about your success, you make your partner feel smaller and they do not feel good around you. You should encourage others to work hard instead of bragging about what you have in your life. When you allow pride to speak your mind, you are allowing the wind near the fire. You should become humble and encouraging to make your partner feel equal in the relationship.

5. Thinking From Other’s Perspective

When you fight because of your ego, it is mostly because you do not think from other people’s perspective. You state you do not even consider your own opinion and other person’s opinion. This happens because you feel that you are right and others are wrong. You cannot always be right. You should always think from other’s perception. Keep yourself in other’s shoes and walk a mile. You will realize why a person thinks the way they do. When you think like others you will have a better relationship with your partner.

For a healthy relationship, it is important that both partners understand each other and respect each other’s thinking.Read more to this story how do you avoid ego problems in your relationship?

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