Dana Farbo has been innovating in digital for over 20 years and is constantly looking at how the interoperability of things can lead to a better world. His early work in digital marketing led to breakthroughs in dynamic messaging and advanced personalization. His firm was a pioneer in augmented reality and mobile location-based-services. As a Founder of several successful companies, Dana has learned what it takes to build a solid team and a profitable business. With Butterfly Protocol, he has teams around the world creating the next-generation blockchain and decentralized platforms. Dana has written a best-selling book on online marketing, was an Adjunct Professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, and is a founder of another breakthrough company, Avrilar, Inc. Avrilar brings Virtual Reality learning to enterprises and institutions and will be using Butterfly for domain creation and file management through IPFS. He is a frequent speaker at many technology events around the globe and spends a significant amount of time mentoring others to give back to the startup community.

Editor of Avrilar