My President is a Fascist

elizabeth tobey
3 min readJan 26, 2017


Last week, a company offered me a job, and the carrot they dangled was an expedited visa out of the country for me and my husband.

I laughed (uncomfortably) and joked (uncomfortably) that it was a compelling escape plan, but I wanted to stay in America.

That was before Donald Trump was sworn in to be the forty-fifth president of the United States.

Six days into his administration, I know that offer is still on the table, and I know that I would never be able to respect myself if I took it.

I am ashamed of my country. I am ashamed of my fellow citizens who voted a fascist into office. I am outraged at the bigots, and the racists, and the Nazis, and the self-centered, small-minded, ignorant, hateful, fearful people who voted for authoritarian rule. I don’t care what part of his pitch allured you. I don’t care which parts you didn’t like, but ignored, or told yourself he wouldn’t act upon. I want to hold a mirror to your ugly soul and show you what you have done.

When people die in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia because we banned refugees from our country, I will blame you.

When women in other countries die due to unsafe abortions because we took away funding for healthcare, I will blame you.

When violence increases against women in our country because we are cutting funding to programs that will protect our citizens, I will blame you.

When LGBTQ people are harassed, or harmed, or killed, because we refuse to protect our citizens, I will blame you.

When our children fail in school because we have destroyed our educational and arts system, I will blame you.

When our smog is as bad as China, I will blame you.

When our people lose healthcare and die, I will blame you.

The sad thing about this list? I’m only scratching the surface of the hateful, ignorant, fascist agenda Donald Trump is enacting.

And you did this to our people. You did this to my friends, my family. You did this to our country.

For what?

Don’t answer that question. I don’t care. This is not a time for our country to come together: That’s another lie our fascist President is telling us so that he can control and destroy. Those of you who stand by him, you are on the wrong side of history, and you will not win. I am not leaving my country, and I will use every ounce of my privilege to protect those who do not have what I have. I have read the history books, and I see what is coming, and I am not just ready to fight. I’m already fighting.

If you would like to help resist, donate sustaining amounts at Planned Parenthood or the ACLU. Use 5 Calls to put pressure on our government to resist. Vote in every single election, no matter how small. Join Swing Left to help with future elections. Protest. Write. Talk. Listen. Read. Stay informed. Stay alert. If you are in a position to help those who are now less safe. If I can help you, find me.



elizabeth tobey

East coaster with a secret SF love affair. I enjoy juxtaposing things. Also: Cheese and tiny dachshunds.