How to show a map within X meters of X location in Tableau

Dahee Lee
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
4 min readDec 4, 2019

I’ve been using Tableau since 2017 and Tableau has been updated a lot with awesome features.

Workout Wednesday

Workout Wednesday is the one of the websites that I’m looking to build my skills up in Tableau.

A weekly challenge to re-create a data-driven visualization.

I was looking for a feature to show a map within X meters of X location to apply on the project that I’m currently working on.

And below is the thing that I’ve been exactly looking for so, let me share some features that I’ve learnt from this workout.


Week 43: Show me all the casinos within X miles of X casino by meters

A mobile friendly dashboard to map all the casinos around the selected casino


MakePoint converts data from latitude and longitude columns into spatial objects.

Distance returns distance measurement between two points in a specified unit which are meters, kilometers, miles and feet.

Parameter Action to let your audience change a parameter value through direct interaction with a viz, such as clicking or selecting a mark.


Las Vegas Casino Data from WorldCasinoDirectory. There are only 4 columns.

Column 1 : Name

Column 2: Address

Column 3: Latitude

Column 4: Longitude

You can download this data from link below.


We need to create 2 parameters that can be selected by user.

parameter 1 : Select a Casino

Select a Casino is to select a mark on the map and update selected casino.

parameter 2 : Miles Away

Miles Away is to input custom number of miles to show selected casino and all others within mileage.

Calculated Fields

We need to create 7 calculated fields.

Calculated Field 1 : Selected Latitude

Selected Latitude is latitude of the casino which is selected by user.

Calculated Field 2 : Selected Longitude

Selected Longitude is Longitude of the casino which is selected by user.

Calculated Field 3 : MakePoint Start

MakePoint Start is a spatial objects from Selected Latitude and Selected Longitude.

Calculated Field 4 : MakePoint Casinos

MakePoint Casinos is a spatial objects of all other casinos.

Calculated Field 5 : Distance Miles

Distance Miles to return distance measurement between MakePoint Start and MakePoint Casinos in miles.

Calculated Field 6 : Selected Casino

Selected Casino is to highlight and shape a value from Select a Casino.

Calculated Field 7: Miles Filter

Miles Filter is to show only selected casino and all others within mileage.

Parameter Action

After creating a dashboard, the last thing you have to do is to create a parameter action.

Specify the target parameter and a source field which can be a Select a Casino from parameters and name from source fields.

Here is my shot!

You can check my data visualization here more!

