Horror Movie Review: Hell House, LLC

Dahlia DeWinters
3 min readJul 18, 2017

I’m back, folks.

Well, it’s been an interesting last few weeks. I was ill for what seemed like the entire month of June and ended up in the hospital in July. When you go to the doctor for a cough that won’t go away, and she tells you to go to the emergency room, do not pass go, do not go home…well, you do it.

Rode in an ambulance too.

After nearly a week of three hots and a cot (plus snacks), I was released with bruises in the crooks of my elbows from needle sticks, a bag full of pills, and a follow-up appointment. All’s well that ends well, however, and I’m still on this side of the veil. I don’t think I’ll be pushing up daisies anytime soon.

Now that you know why I’ve been gone, let the festivities continue. Here’s a horror movie review for your reading pleasure!


Hell House, LLC (2015)


Five years after an unexplained malfunction causes the death of 15 tour-goers and staff on the opening night of a Halloween haunted house tour, a documentary crew travels back to the scene of the tragedy to find out what really happened. (from imdb.com)


Horror, Thriller




Dahlia DeWinters

Author, teacher, mom, all around know it all :). Writer of zombie novels, romance stories and anything in between.