Stroking a Person’s Ego in Bed Helps No One

No one benefits from a false sense of sexual grandeur.

Dahlia Stone
3 min readDec 24, 2019
Photo by Pixabay

Twice in the last year of so, I have had men brag about their skills in bed. Interestingly, they both used a very similar phase. “I have a special set of skills.”

Spoiler alert: Their set of skills were not, in fact, special.

I was not blown away by their sexual prowess but, more than that, I was concerned that they really had been led to believe that what they could do with their tongues or fingers was somehow way better than anything anyone else could do. Ever. Who did this to them?

I understand that what works on one body may not work on another. That man fumbling around trying to find your g-spot? Help him out. I mean, on his last girlfriend it was right there! One or two feigned moans of ecstasy derails the whole mapping system.

Let’s face it. We are incredibly vulnerable when we’re in bed with someone. We’re naked, exposed, emotionally elevated, physically expectant. The last thing anyone wants to feel is that their performance is less than stellar.

I’m not saying we should whip out score cards and go over a detailed replay of the evening’s events noting where improvement can…

