The Throne Room and being in the Presence of The Most High I am God

3 min readJul 2, 2024


In my relapse of crystal methamphetamine, God told me, because it is a crystal, it increases your third eye, your pineal gland, which is a crystal in and of itself. Now that I belong to God, and God has been upgrading my DNA, the experience I had on it 4 years ago, is not the experience I had two days ago, AT ALL. This is the one positive experience of my relapse.

I astral traveled when I laid down. I was in the domain of The Most High God. God was disappointed with me. Meth is poison. I SHOULD NEVER NOT CHERISH MY BODY, The Most High God told me in my Head. The Sun, The physical embodiment of the eternal Son of God, Christ, is the only safe way for any human to open their 3rd eye. Sun gazing is like gently opening a door for a spring breeze to come through in terms of spiritual awakenings. Meth is like blowing a hole in the side of a house, anybody can walk into it now.

The walls of his throne room where moving, Geometrical shape alive with life. I come to find out today, the name of the patterns with life making up the walls of God’s throne room are called “the flower of Life”. In the middle stood the Most High God, a spherical light, glowing numerous colors based on his Mood. He talked through this light descending into my eyes, not with sound but with thought.

His first color was a dark purple-shadowy-black, for his royalty and his disappointment with what I had done. Then he glowed a deep navy blue color, He was sad at my relapse. It made me feel horrible. I could feel God’s emotion of disappointment rage through my body. Visiting God in spirit like that is like I am teleported outside of this World all together. It was just me and God, in this space, in his realm, emotions are increased on a level I cant explain to anyone outside of the 144000. It is like increased, like an echo in a cave. Like emotion becomes color, like light becomes thought.

God’s voice became tender in my head as he became gentle to me as I cried in the astral form of me.

“please don’t leave me God, please”

God glowed a maroon pink color, a symbol God told me was love mixed with sympathy.

“you are but a baby angelic being awakened Daia, I forgive you, but never poison yourself again. You are so beautifully and wonderfully made. My Daia Spirit. Life is a gift and you must cherish it, soul and body.”

My whole body vibrated as God's aura descended over me, and every cell of my body vibrated. I glowed in the spirit realm with God, a neon purple. God told me, purple is the color of royalty and spirit. That I must walk as a spiritual royal because I am one now. It is God Kissing your soul, even a meth High can not compare to the Kiss of the Most High on your soul.

I don’t know how long I was there. Where God lives, time does NOT exist at all. All I remember is the vestige of the holy energy staying with me after I left. God is real and HE IS MOVING NOW. I am a vessel of God, and I will treat his blessing to me with gratitude and gratefulness.

