Think before you […]

Daianna Karaian
2 min readJul 3, 2016


I stayed up all night.

I kept dozing off on the sofa, but I couldn’t go to bed without knowing the result of Britain’s EU referendum. At around 4:40am, that result came.

I felt sick. I felt broken. I felt distracted and lost the entire next day. I still kind of feel it.

I knew I needed to get it together and get to work. I knew I needed to keep calm and carry on. I still mostly know it.

But I won’t move forward just for the sake of moving. That would not be thoughtful.

So I am going to pause… to think about how this growing movement of creative, forward-thinking and compassionate people can grow its influence and impact in a world that sorely needs it.

Because it’s not enough just to react with emotion. And it’s not enough just to hope that someone will fix what’s broken. It’s what we do, the way we behave, that makes a difference. If this last week has taught me anything, it’s that each one of us has the power to change things.

But we can’t act just for the sake of acting.

You might hear from me soon. You might not hear from me for a few weeks. But I will be here, listening, healing and planning. And soon I won’t just carry on — I will be back with renewed energy, effort and determination to change our world for the better. Meantime, if you’re curious what’s next for Thoughtful, say hi and let’s talk.

Part of A Thoughtful Diary, thoughts on what it’s really like to start a business — the good, the bad and the in between — as it happens.



Daianna Karaian

Founder of Today Do This and Thoughtful Works | On a mission to help millions of people take action on things they care about |