Tips of working from home (from a seasoned professional)
Picture c/o Zulupics Photography

Tips on working from home (from a seasoned professional)

Katie Craig
2 min readMar 24, 2020


1. Phone calls whenever possible but you only need to be presentable from the waist up for video calls.

2. Don’t forget to eat lunch.

3. Resist the urge to eat all the things just because the pantry is full.

4. Figure out the things you can do in a few minutes to make your life easier. Start a load of laundry, empty the dishwasher, clean off the kitchen counter, bleach the toilet, water the plants, pick up cat hair tumbleweeds …

5. You DO need to stretch your legs sometimes so get up from your desk every few hours to go do something in #4.

6. CBD for dogs before long stints of meetings is magical for unexpected doorbell rings, neighbors' car doors closing and random squirrels outside of the window.

7. Push through 2p but try to stop at 5p… I know it’s hard!

8. Don’t multitask when on client calls.

9. Resist the urge to put on the tv for background noise. If you’re successful … you might get your worklist done early.

10. Try not to talk your spouse's ear off when they get home (or when you both get done for the day).

11. A shower goes a long way in making yourself presentable for your spouse and friends.



Katie Craig

Daily Momentum founder Katie Mattson Craig is a veteran graphic designer, business/career coach, and adventurist.