Yes I am Selfish!

Daily Blog Vlog
2 min readSep 3, 2017


Have you ever been termed as a person who loves just being You. You do not interfere in anyones life and yet you end up being the focus of everyone’s attention doing nothing. This is a short shout out to all the people who have the problem with dealing through these hurtful comments

Yes I am Selfish

Termed today by a very closed one,

Proud to have known the battle won,

Forgetting all the things I have done or chosen,

Selfish I am if they think by this their life is less burdened.

I don’t mind living my dreams and my aspirations,

You don’t have any reason to be jealous,

I was always happy with your success,

why can’t you see my decisions as selfless,

Blind folded you are with all the grapevine heard,

Selfish I am, as I believe walking alone is better than being a part of the herd.

It doesn’t matter to anyone anymore,

I was the suffering one till the end of shore,

You were busy in your own life changing doors,

Who would I have banked on as nobody was seen,

In my life I am my own hero,

Selfish I am even if you think I am a zero

It is a matter of fact, you cannot see anyone better than you,

You were feeling inferior as I could out do you,

But my friend remember it is not a game against each other,

Even if you beat me up I would be the one to applaud first,

As for me it was always we,

Now I think you cannot see.

I am deeply hurt by the words as they turned into wound,

Your ego is never satisfying as a magic hound,

But do not forget the world is round,

What goes around comes around,

I would still believe do good and forget,

To give and live without any regret,

Yes I am selfish if I thinking wise and not making noise,

I am here to live by choice and not compromise!

Originally published at Daily blogs and video logs.

