Five Feet Apart: A Young Adult Romance Novel that Inspires Hope and Resilience

3 min readJul 17, 2023


Author: Rachael Lippincott

Genre: Young Adult Fiction, Romance, Contemporary

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Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott is a captivating young adult novel that explores the power of love amidst the challenges of living with a chronic illness. With its relatable characters and emotional depth, this book takes readers on an unforgettable journey of hope, resilience, and the complexities of human connection.

Plot and Characters:

  • Set in the backdrop of a hospital, the story revolves around Stella Grant and Will Newman, both diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.
  • Stella is organized, determined, and follows her strict treatment regimen diligently.
  • Will, on the other hand, is rebellious, sarcastic, and struggles with adhering to his treatment.
  • Despite their differences, Stella and Will are drawn to each other and develop a deep connection, challenging the boundaries imposed by their illness.


  1. Emotional Impact: The book expertly captures the rollercoaster of emotions experienced by the characters and readers alike. It tugs at the heartstrings, evoking empathy and compassion.
  2. Authentic Representation: The author skillfully portrays the realities of living with cystic fibrosis, shedding light on the physical and emotional struggles faced by individuals with chronic illnesses.
  3. Compelling Romance: The love story between Stella and Will is beautifully depicted, filled with heartwarming moments and genuine chemistry that will leave readers rooting for their relationship.
  4. Page-Turning Narrative: Lippincott’s writing style is engaging and easy to follow, making it a quick and enjoyable read for young adult readers.
  5. Themes of Friendship and Support: The novel explores the importance of friendship and the support system that can be found even in the most challenging circumstances.


  1. Predictability: The overall plot trajectory may be somewhat predictable for readers familiar with the young adult romance genre.
  2. Lack of Deeper Exploration: While the book does touch upon the challenges of cystic fibrosis, some readers might desire a more in-depth exploration of the medical aspects and their impact on the characters’ lives.

Notable Quotes:

1. “I’ve realized that sometimes you just have to do something, even if it isn’t what you want. Sometimes you just have to do something to keep yourself moving forward.”

2. “You have to steal the moments when you can. You have to use those seconds when they come, and you have to make them stretch.”

3. “I want to be grateful for the time I have, and I want to be hopeful that maybe there will be even more, but I have to be realistic too.”

Final Verdict — 5/5

Five Feet Apart” is a touching and compelling young adult novel that effectively captures the challenges and triumphs of living with a chronic illness. Rachael Lippincott’s well-crafted narrative, authentic characters, and heartfelt romance make it a recommended read for those seeking an emotional and engaging story. Despite a predictable plot and the desire for further exploration, the book’s overall impact and relatability make it a worthwhile addition to any young adult reader’s bookshelf.

If you’re a fan of young adult fiction or enjoy heartwarming romance novels, checking out “Five Feet Apart” by Rachael Lippincott is definitely worth your time. The book offers a compelling and emotional story that will resonate with readers.

Additionally, if you’re interested in more book reviews and recommendations, be sure to leave a comment on my blog and follow my Twitter account for the latest updates. To pick up a copy of this captivating novel, click the link below and dive into the world of Stella and Will as they navigate love and resilience in the face of adversity.

Click Here To Pick Up This Heartwarming Romance Story That Will Leave You In Tears. Start Turning Pages Today!




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