What Is Construction Technology? 5 Technologies Changing the Construction Industry

Daily Construction Facts
5 min readJul 29, 2022



Construction technology has played a critical role in pushing the sector toward more intelligent practices and effective procedures over the last ten years. The transition from manual spreadsheets and paper procedures to automated and collaborative PMIS systems has been made possible by the digital transformation of major industry participants. And in the highly competitive climate of today, it is crucial to use cutting-edge solutions to boost corporate development via the use of linked assets, useful analytics, and data-driven operations.

Construction organizations have updated their operations to bridge the gap between the field and the office thanks to the most recent digital technology. Today, project performance is optimized using digital technologies, and on-time delivery is guaranteed. Construction is gradually adopting a number of crucial technologies, including cloud computing, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence. By 2023, the market for construction technology software is expected to reach more than US$2.7 billion, according to industry analysts.

The U.S. construction sector recovered from the pandemic-caused worldwide slump in 2020, even breaking pre-pandemic levels in 2021. According to data cited by Dodge Data & Analytics, overall construction in the United States is expected to increase by 8% in 2022, surpassing even the 10-year high market growth levels. Keeping that in mind, let’s examine five advancements in construction technology that will fuel this expansion in 2022.

What Is Construction Technology?

The technology used specifically in the construction business is referred to as “construction technology” as a whole. Smart equipment, autonomous robotics, virtual reality, 5G, and IoT are a few examples of this.

Construction technology is described as “the collection of innovative tools, machinery, modifications, software, etc. used during the construction phase of a project that enables advancement in field construction methods, including semi-automated and automated construction equipment” by the Construction Industry Institute.

Here is the list of 5 construction technology changing the construction industry;

1. BIM Software

BIM, or building information modeling, integrates IoT and AR technology to create a smart management and workflow planning tool. Because of its possibilities and opportunities, construction technology innovation is a critical industrial breakthrough.

Construction managers, for example, may generate intelligent 3D models of their projects while also designing smart processes based on them. As a consequence, this technology has improved the whole construction process, from planning and design to building maintenance.

2. 3-D Printing Houses

3D printing is one of the amazing construction technology that has advanced significantly over the years, to the point that many construction businesses have found how to print a whole house quicker and cheaper than the old approach by utilizing this precise software and technology. In the United States, the first 3D-printed house sold for less than $10,000 (roughly £7,509). A further 50 3D printed homes are now being created in Mexico, adding to the industry’s transformation. This, in turn, will make house ownership more accessible for everyone. Another stage in the building industry’s adaptation to new technology breakthroughs.

3. Exoskeletons

Numerous businesses in the building sector have learned how to use the same software and technology as 3D printing to manufacture a full house quicker and more affordably than using the conventional approach. The cost of the first three-dimensionally printed house in the US was less than $10,000 (about £7,509 in the UK).

To support the transformation of the home construction sector, 50 more 3D printed homes are now being built in Mexico. Everyone will thereafter be able to afford to purchase a house thanks to this. Another milestone in the building sector’s effort to catch up with emerging construction technology.

4. Humanoid Labourers

Japanese researchers have created a humanoid labor technology named HRP-5P in response to the ongoing labor shortage that affects numerous businesses globally. The humanoid robot HRP-5P can work alone to do simple manual activities like drywall installation or bricklaying.

Along with HRP-5P, additional built-in robots such as the Automated Track Loader, or ATL, TyBot, Doxel AI, and many more have made significant strides in robotics. Each of which has unique qualities and tasks, These include:

Doxel AI -using robots and artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor site progress with real-time, actionable data using a range of different technology features such as High tech Cameras, LiDAR, and drones.

TyBot — an autonomous rebar-tying robot designed to augment and reduce labor requirements in the most critical path activity of bridge deck construction

ATL — developed to excavate smaller construction sites using a range of different technology features such as augmented GPS and LiDAR.

5. Connected Hardhats

Wearable technology, from smartwatches to smartphones, has already dominated the personal gadget market, but there is still plenty of possibility for growth in the construction industry. Due to this, businesses like Shimabun have produced upgrade kits that can be attached to regular hardhats, giving employees access to a wide variety of cutting-edge safety features. The hardhat with the Shimabun detects temperature, motion, and location. As a consequence, it may be able to alert users when a worker may be feeling dizzy or hot.

This construction technology also has the capacity to detect worker falls and initiate an emergency call to first responders. The accuracy of the data gathered also enables improved evaluations of site errors to better avoid repetitions and aid in lowering overall health and safety concerns and dangers on site before they arise.

Bottom Line

All the construction technology have one thing in common: in order to be managed, controlled, and monitored, they must be linked, either to one another or to a central location. Here, connection takes on the role of a facilitator since none of these technologies would function without it. The sites where we require this technology to function are often distant or difficult-to-reach places due to the nature of development, so your regular methods of communication may not be suitable. Any sort of bandwidth is available from UK Connect, from fiber to quick, dependable cellular access.

