Yield farming with tBTC on Curve.fi

3 min readOct 27, 2020


This is a step-by-step tutorial on yield farming with tBTC on Curve.fi exchange.

So why would you want to do it?

First of all, you will keep your Bitcoin exposure. Secondly you will earn trading fees on Curve.fi together with CRV and Keep Network token rewards as this pool will be incentivised by the Keep network team.

What is tBTC?

tBTC is fully bitcoin-backed Ethereum token. For more details on it and a guide on minting tBTC coins with Bitcoin please check this guide first.

What is Curve.fi?

Curve is a stablecoin AMM DEX.

What is DEX? A decentralized exchange (DEX) is a peer-to-peer online service that allows direct cryptocurrency transactions between two interested parties.

Curve is not an order-book exchange, but rather an automatic market maker (AMM) exchange which means that a user interacts with a pooled funds and not another user directly.

So, there is no entity like a centralized exchange which stores user funds, and which facilitates an exchange for users.

Stablecoin DEX is a DEX which is designed for extremely efficient stablecoin trading.

Farm yield with tBTC on Curve?

You should have some tBTC at this point to be able to proceed. If you do not please follow this tutorial.

Step 1: Open Curve.fi and go to tBTC/sbtcCrv pool

Just open the link https://www.curve.fi/tbtc

Step 2: Connect your wallet

Choose appropriate wallet and provide all required permissions.

Step 3: Deposit tBTC and stake it in gauge

Once your wallet is connected proceed to the Deposit section, enter required amount of tBTC (and other coins if you have any) and press “Deposit & stake in gauge” button.

There will be 4 transactions which you will have to confirm.

Step 4: Check your stake and harvest your farms

Once those transactions are mined by Ethereum miners you will be able to check your gauge allocation and rewards.

Congratulations! You are a yield farmer now!

To check the rewards just go to DAO page and find tBTC gauge info (currently at the very bottom of the page).

Want more ideas and yield farming tips?

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