2018.05.11 — Daily Fire Update

Daily Fire
3 min readMay 11, 2018

Happy Friday all!

Hope you have had a great week. It’s currently cold, wet and windy in Melbourne ❄️

This sprint:
- Worked to make it easier and more obvious to connect Spotify with your Daily Fire account.
- Started introducing onboard messaging for when new users join Daily Fire Slack channels.
- Curated some 🔥 playlists to keep you warm in this cold weather!

🔥 Connect Spotify

The first thing on the Roadmap for this sprint was to add call to actions on the web app to connect your account with Spotify. This allows you to automatically generate Spotify playlists from your activity on Daily Fire, such as your posts, your likes, and posts from those you follow.

Connect Spotify Page

There is also a little ‘Connect Spotify’ button that appears in the navigation bar if you haven’t connected yet (as shown in the top right section of the above image).

Spotify Playlist Preferences Screen

Once you have connected Spotify, you are presented with this screen where you can optionally turn on or off whichever playlists you would like Daily Fire to populate for you.

The Bot will also give you the option to connect a Spotify account from Slack.

If you haven’t already, you can connect your Spotify account here: https://app.daily-fire.com/account/spotify/connect

🔥 Onboard Messaging in Slack

The next item on the Roadmap after ‘Connect Spotify’ was to introduce some onboard messaging within Slack. This is an opportunity for new users to be introduced to Daily Fire and learn what it can do. Currently, when the bot is first invited to a channel it gives a little introduction:

Users can then learn, in more detail, about Daily Fire by clicking the ‘See what else I can do!’ button. Doing so prompts the Bot to post the following:

Additionally, the Bot now messages users that have joined a channel with Daily Fire already installed. They get a similar message:

Again, there’s the option to learn more. The key difference here is that these messages are shown only to the user that joined, and are not posted to the channel.

There is one more additional piece of on-boarding we would like to introduce: when a user posts for the first time. We think this presents a good opportunity for the user to create a Daily Fire account to start storing all the songs they post.

🔥 DF — Fire [Vol. 1] Playlist

You may have seen on our Instagram that we created the first DF — Fire playlist.

DF — Fire Artwork

Check it out on Soundcloud & Spotify!

🔥 Listen on Soundcloud 🔥

🔥 Listen on Spotify 🔥

🔥 What’s next

  • Reach out to Slack communities for Beta testers

(If you would like to add Daily Fire to your Slack team, or a Slack team you know of, message me at sam@daily-fire.com, I’d love to set you up!)

  • First pass at ‘Add to Slack’ page
  • Design and research for landing page

Check out the Roadmap for more details!

Have a great weekend! Hopefully it gets a bit warmer!

Peace, Love & 🔥

