Delusions and Gnoseology

Daily Moron
Daily Moron
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2018

Faith delusions: are they providence of god’s influence or a just big portion of DMT produced by our own mind? We’re trying to explain all extraordinary things with possible decisions, decisions which we can accept. But is it harder to accept simple chemical reaction than big powerful super mind spying on us? Guess no, however, we have to look into gnoseology.

God existence determined only by our choice of thinking. As we know from gnoseology, there are three ways of world understanding: religious, scientific, philosophical. Till 17-century religious was the main one, even in ancient Greece — philosophy was just a name, cause it was strongly tightened to religion — pantheistic mind. Lots of great thinkers of Christian ages were trying to understand gods’ providence. They believed in god, like in a chair they were sitting in, and these guys finally came to the opinion that god created the earth and has gone. That were guys who read this holy book all of their beings.
Let’s return to the main theme. 17 century — god hasn’t been on earth yet, but a mass of people still believed in all that creepy stuff. 19th century — science developed great, god is finally dead.

What am I talking about? That nowadays, it’s not just stupid to believe in god, it is f*cking strange! You’re not trying to explain car mechanics on “horse” example (no, horsepower is not the same) we’ve got tons of information about ourselves and our planet, about the multiverse.
And today we’ve got new delusion- science can’t explain everything. I agree, but there are three types of understanding: religious died in 19, scientific one, in 21 century, is going to its logical end, so it is time for the philosophical one.

Differences between gnoseological types of world understanding are in its working methods.

See, religious one is working by faith. You just believe in things you told. Simple example:
– “Johnny, your mom is a stupid c*nt”
– “Okay, but I don’t believe you. I need much bigger authority, to force me”
-” Ohh, one Jewish guy told me that there’s a second one, who’s 33-year-old homeless man making wonders, and he forced me to send you this message”
-” Oh, thanks, also I’ve got anal pain, can your friend fix it?”
Stupid, isn’t it? Hope we are done with it once and forever.

Scientific one: you have to feel the truth — to see it, to hear it, to touch it, to count it. For instance, to put it in a table.
-“I need a portion of “H”, can you lend me any money?”
-“It would be a favor to me, but I don’t have anything”
-” Oh, really? Let me check it”.
Yeah, of course, you will find the truth, which you can beat from your “partner” whatever it, will be: girlfriend, fiction book, or researching tree tops for leaves falling down percent.

Philosophical, logical one (based on three types of logic, see next)
– “Dad, I hate my teacher, I want to kill her, but mom said that it’s wrong, and it’s a bad decision.”
– “You know, son, questions of morality ain’t got any sense, so, it’s only your decision. Test your luck!”

Which one the best? Hm, I don’t know, more interesting: which one is worst and what happened with two out of three existed before?

