What Is Industry 4.0 Technology?

Daily Techno Review
1 min readNov 2, 2022


Three industrial revolutions have occurred since the 1800s. Each was propelled by a game-changing new technology: the steam engine’s mechanics, the assembly line’s inventiveness, and the computer’s speed. Because the innovation that powered them didn’t simply enhance productivity and efficiency a little bit — it radically altered how commodities were produced and how work was done, they were dubbed “industrial revolutions.” We are currently in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, often known as Industry 4.0 technology, which uses smart technologies to improve supply chain automation, monitoring, and analysis. Manufacturing businesses may use AI and machine learning to fully use the abundance of data created not just on the factory floor, but also throughout their business divisions and from partners and third-party sources.

In this article, we’ll discuss Industry 4.0 technology and technologies used in Industry 4.0

1. AI And Machine Learning

2. Edge Computing

Read More: What Is Industry 4.0 Technology? — Daily Techno Review

