
2 min readJan 19, 2022


The round white table looks like whole chaos. Bitten pickles, dripped chili, and mustard sauce drizzle lightly between the elbows to buffer the burger. Moreover, the hair, cheeks, definitely all over her lips are full of sauce and bread crumbs.

“Wwould ywou lwike to wwipe mwy fwace?” talks with her full-mouthed speech organ, rushing munch then clearing throat a bit to speak more humanly. “Mhm, I offer you a bite if you want to.”

She blinks like 4 years old kindergarten learner child, hoping that looks will work. But nah, the person that she talks to glimpses in disgust. He literally is done with her. It means another attack going to arrive in soon time. “Please?”

Now her lips onward five centimeters away. The sparks of her eyes become brighter than before. Even her face seems about to cry in fake. By that, mischief in his eyes glints lightly, the corner of his lips going up a little. This is ain’t a good thing.

“Give me five bucks first.”

She is glaring in shock, almost choked. Radiates ‘you are insane’ looks.

“Five bucks for a freaking little wipe? Is this a goddamn robbery?”


“Five bucks. Take it or leave it. Unless …. “

Oh, not with that gaze.

“You wanting me to do it with my own lips, mayhaps?”

Son of a bitch.


