Dating in Your 50s as a Man: What does it look like?

Daisy Mae
7 min readMar 27, 2024

Dating in your 50s as a man comes with its own set of challenges. It’s probably been a minute since you’ve been in the dating game, and boy, have things changed. The digital world of dating apps and texting can be a maze, but that’s not all. You’re also dealing with the same dilemmas that have always made dating a bit of a puzzle: finding the right partner and creating a connection that sparks interest and anticipation for future dates.

But fear not! Whether you’re a man hitting the dating scene again in your 50s or you’re someone who’s naturally more reserved, there’s a way to date confidently and find your match. With over eight years of experience coaching introverted men in the dating field, and having shared insights with audiences in Forbes, CBC News, and HuffPost, I’ve gathered a fair share of wisdom on how to approach dating after 50 successfully.

dating in your 50s as a man

What Men in Their 50s Are Looking for in a Relationship?

As men hit their 50s, the dating scene can look quite different from their younger years. Priorities shift, and the desire for a meaningful connection often takes center stage over fleeting encounters. If you’re diving back into dating in your 50s as a man, or if you’re interested in dating someone in this age bracket, understanding these evolving preferences can be a game-changer.

  • A Deeper Connection
    In their 50s, men often seek a partner who matches them both intellectually and physically. The allure of surface-level beauty gives way to the appreciation for a deeper, more intellectual connection. Relationships can become a journey of mutual growth, exploring new ideas, culture, and knowledge together. From spirited discussions about the latest book you’ve both read, to museum visits, to watching thought-provoking documentaries, it’s about growing together in mind and spirit.
  • Shared Adventures
    Having likely established themselves in their careers and made significant life choices, men in their 50s often find themselves at a stage where they can pursue adventures that were previously out of reach. Whether it’s travel, trying new hobbies, or exploring the unknown, having a partner who shares this sense of adventure and curiosity about the world can be incredibly appealing.
  • Mutual Career Support
    Achieving career milestones and establishing professional success are common by the time a man reaches his 50s. Therefore, a relationship that includes mutual respect and admiration for each other’s career achievements is crucial. Men at this age value partners who are interested in and supportive of their work — someone who’s willing to understand and discuss the nuances of their professional life. Likewise, they’re often equally supportive of their partner’s career ambitions, cheering them on and celebrating their successes together.
  • Transparent Communication
    Having been through the relationship wringer a few times, men in their 50s understand the value of honesty. Whether it’s about past relationships, current expectations, or feelings towards each other, clear communication is non-negotiable. It’s particularly vital if he’s navigating post-divorce life or parenthood. Being upfront about the past is essential to building a future together.
  • Shared Values and Interests
    By now, you know what matters to you, and finding someone who resonates with those values and interests becomes key. While it’s not about mirroring each other’s hobbies exactly, having enough common ground ensures lively conversations and shared experiences that bring joy and depth to the relationship. Discover each other’s passions and beliefs through thoughtful questions, and see where your worlds align.
dating a man in his 50s
  • Maintaining Independence
    A rich, full life is what defines men in their 50s, filled with hobbies, work, and social commitments. In this light, ensuring each partner retains their independence is crucial. It’s about striking the balance — being together because you want to, not because you need to fill a void. Encourage each other to maintain separate interests and social circles; it only adds more to share and discuss together.
  • Creativity in Intimacy
    As bodies and desires evolve with age, so does intimacy. This period in life calls for a broader understanding of what sexual fulfillment means. It’s less about the physical capabilities and more about exploring new ways to connect and please each other. Embracing a holistic view of sexuality that includes all senses can lead to some of the most satisfying experiences, proving that intimacy only gets richer with age.
  • Embracing Family Ties
    For a man who’s navigated life’s ups and downs, the concept of family takes on a special significance. Whether it’s integrating with his children’s lives or creating new family bonds with a partner’s loved ones, the desire for a familial connection is strong. Showing interest in and acceptance of his family shows that you’re invested in being part of his world.
  • The Value of Open-Mindedness
    After half a century of living, men often re-evaluate what they want from life and love, potentially questioning the traditional paths of marriage and monogamy. Whether he’s looking to explore new relationship models or simply wants to ensure he’s with someone who respects his views, an open-minded partner is key.
  • Yearning for Youthful Joy
    No matter our age, there’s something magical about letting loose and embracing our inner child. Men in their 50s appreciate the chance to cast aside adult responsibilities and indulge in the playful, carefree aspects of romance. From spontaneous ice cream dates to cozy movie nights, it’s about finding joy in the simple things together.

Smart Dating Strategies for Men Over 50

Set Clear Goals

Start by defining what you want your love life to look like. Are you aiming for a serious relationship, considering marriage, or just looking to enjoy the dating scene? It’s crucial to be upfront with yourself and the women you meet about your intentions.

Not quite sure of your long-term goals? That’s okay. Focus on what you’d like in the immediate future, such as enjoying dates with interesting women. Setting intentions for each date, like making her feel appreciated or connecting deeply, can shift your focus from trying to impress to genuinely engaging.

Understand Your Non-Negotiables

Knowing what you absolutely can’t tolerate and must have in a partner is essential when dating in your 50s as a man. Reflect on your past relationships to identify dealbreakers and must-haves. This clarity helps avoid wasting time on incompatible matches and focuses your attention on potential partners who align with your values and lifestyle.

It’s also wise to manage your expectations, especially regarding age. While the allure of dating someone significantly younger is understandable, consider the traits you’re seeking in a partner and be open to finding them in someone closer to your age range. Remember, age is just a number, and qualities like vitality and passion can be found in individuals of all ages.

Embrace Your Strengths

Contrary to the voices of doubt, being an older man in the dating scene is actually a huge plus. I’ve heard firsthand from women, including one who prefers dating men in their 50s and 60s, about the allure of older gentlemen. They bring presence, maturity, and a sense of trustworthiness that’s hard to find in younger counterparts. They’re not glued to their phones, they know how to treat someone right, and they have a level of life experience that makes them incredibly appealing.

So, what makes you stand out? It’s crucial to recognize and own your attractive qualities. This might be your life wisdom, the calm stability you offer, or even the way you carry yourself. Make a list of all the things that could possibly draw a woman to you — your character traits, life experiences, and yes, even physical attributes.

Dating in Your 50s as a Man

Getting a Handle on Understanding Women

Navigating the world of dating also means getting a grip on what women are looking for. The good news? While the ways we meet and communicate may have evolved, the core desires of women haven’t shifted much. Women crave emotional connection and value feeling understood and appreciated.

Understanding women means listening actively to what they express and acknowledging their feelings. It’s about reflecting empathy and showing that you get where they’re coming from. Remember, it’s less about dazzling her with your achievements and more about making her feel good about herself. A woman is most attracted when she feels genuinely desired and valued for who she is.

Discovering Where to Meet Like-Minded Women

Spending time in male-dominated spaces or flying solo most of the time won’t increase your chances of meeting someone special. The secret lies in positioning yourself in environments where you’re likely to meet women who share your interests. Cooking class, a photography workshop, or a book club, choose activities that you genuinely enjoy. Opt for events or classes that meet regularly; it removes the pressure of making a connection on the spot and allows a natural relationship to develop over time.

Giving Your Wardrobe a Makeover

First impressions matter, and updating your style can significantly improve your appeal. Plus, dressing well boosts your self-esteem. If the world of fashion feels like foreign territory, seek advice from a female friend or relative who can guide you.

When updating your wardrobe, think about the image you want to project. Are you aiming for a sophisticated, classic look, or something more relaxed and sporty? Use resources like Google to search for styles that resonate with you, such as “sporty men’s style” or “classic looks for older men.” Save images of outfits that catch your eye to replicate or take as inspiration when shopping.

Don’t overlook the power of accessories — watches, shoes, and belts can transform an outfit. Also, pay attention to the little details that add flair to your appearance, like cuffing your sleeves or trousers in a stylish manner. Approach revamping your look as an exciting opportunity to express yourself.



Daisy Mae

What happens when you are recently divorced and 52, and jump into online dating?