Pre-AWS Summit Mexico City 2023

Daisy Warren
8 min readAug 22, 2023


4 weeks of sharing resources leading up to the AWS Summit in Mexico City 2023

Structure of the 4 weeks of August:

Week 1: Getting to Know AWS + Finding Your Way Around

Week 2: Browsing through + Where to Learn More

Week 3: Cloud Courses + Resources

Week 4: CDMX Summit Partners

Week 1: Getting to Know AWS + Finding Your Way Around

📎 What is AWS?

  • It’s a subsidiary of Amazon that offers cloud computing platforms — Amazon Web Services.
    > AWS is a cloud computing platform that allows individuals, businesses of any size and larger corporations to use cloud computing services — computing, storing, networking, etc. — to secure all data from serverless data centers.
    (+) This removes the need to manually manage data as it enables you to fully manage your resources [time & finances] more efficiently.

🧩 Why do I find cloud computing important?

  • I find it important because in some capacity, whether we recognize it (or not), we use platforms that rely on these services on a daily basis — think file storage, photo storage, the apps on our devices, etc.
    > To learn about these processes and how we’re using them can help us operate on a smart + efficient level.
    (+) This knowledge equips us to better understand and connect the pieces of the puzzle of how things work, creating those lightbulb moments!

💡 Why do I like sharing about it?

  • Lightbulb moments!
    > Active learning > Passive using

🤔 What are AWS Summits anyway?

  • They’re one of AWS’ many events that bring technologists together to connect + collaborate + learn more.

👥 How interactive are Summits?

  • Pretty interactive — since they’re education-based events, the learning is in the doing + immersing yourself.

🌐 Where do Summits take place?

  • Globally! (The roster for the year ends with the Mexico City Summit end of August ‘23).

🔎 How do attendees learn at this event?

  • By attending technical breakout sessions, demos, interactive workshops, labs + team challenges & through networking with other cloud enthusiasts!

☁️ Why a Summit?

  • I’ve actually never gone to a Summit, haven’t even talked about them, and though I have followed along with people that have gone to them around the world — Tel Aviv, London, New York — I haven’t attended on. I felt that this Mexico City one was aligned with timing and planning.

Why now?

  • Planning and timing aligned with my intentions and this is another growth opportunity within myself to expand my AWS engagements.

🇲🇽 Why Mexico City?

  • Intentions coming to fruition! Back in November 2022, as I was planning what I’d be focusing my efforts for 2023 (AWS-wise), I put an intention out into the world to connect more with the Latin American community. I speak Spanish, and I felt that expanding my range of engagements through language (English + Spanish) & interest (cloud computing/technology) would be a great opportunity to practice and refine both of those areas!

Week 2: Browsing through + Where to Learn More

Focusing on Accessibility & Education through:

➡ Game-based learning (edu-tainment)
3D games that allow one to learn + apply + earn badges through gamified learning. This is a fun way to learn, especially if you have younger kids around that are interested in tech. Perhaps you want to introduce them to an activity that isn’t too technically complex to teach, this is a great way to do that.

  • Cloud Quest: choose your role, then learn how to apply cloud skills to help citizens in a virtual city
  • Industry Quest: choose an industry (ex: Healthcare, Financial) to start learning to take your virtual organization to the next level.
Free for Cloud Practitioner role | Subscribe to AWS Skill Builder to access industry learning paths

➡ Skill building-based learning (hands-on labs)

  • AWS Educate: barrier-free access content designed for beginners with connections to employment and building your network
Great for young learners 13+
  • AWS Builder Labs: These labs are formatted as courses, learning plans & digital trainings filtered through course levels, duration, 21 domains & 19 languages
    + Lab Playlists (pre-defined courses on specific topics curated in a collection) + Learning Plans (a collection of training content to pick & choose from)
    + Digital Trainings (optional paid self-paced labs that include video demos, interactive content, and knowledge checks)
Free & subscription based content
  • Hands-on Tutorials: Practical tutorials that offer step-by-step methods of learning to launch applications.
    + Content types: Tutorials, How-To-Guides, Getting Started Guides (ranging from 10 minutes-2 hours)
    + Content categories: all services offered thru AWS Marketplace (which hosts the Cloud & Industry Quests and Builder labs) does a really good job at offering tons of support and then matching it with quality content. The landing page gives an overview of the resources offered and how to maximize them.

👀 Have a look below

- Learn by Cloud Role (meaning what role you’d like to achieve)
- Learn by Product Domain (meaning the service you want to build with)

It also displays Certification Exam Prep steps and right below, they share the tools to actually meet that exam.

This is useful so that you not only learn the material, but also apply it in a real AWS environment (Console sandbox).

➡ I’ve also written an article spotlighting 5 people you can learn about AWS cloud from on a more personal level in my AWS Tip article: ⬅

  1. Linda Vivah
  2. AWS Developer
  3. Viktoria Semaan
  4. OpenuptheCloud
  5. Brian H Hough
  • The article is called AWS Learning Approaches as it’s meant to serve as a round up of 6 resource-based mediums to encourage learning and building through:
    ➡ White paper documentation (AWS provided)
    ➡ Self-directed learning
    ➡ Video-based resources
    ➡ Social media accounts
    ➡ External courses
    ➡ Blog resources

Week 3: Cloud Courses + Resources

Upskill with 3 AWS Training Courses

  1. Cloud Academy - Skill Management platform offering multi-cloud immersive training
    - AWS
    - Google Cloud
    - Microsoft Azure
    - Alibaba Cloud
  2. Future Learn - Multi-subject education platform offering:
    - short courses
    - ExpertTracks
    - online degrees
    - micro-credentials
  3. Udacity - Talent Transformation platform offering:
    - free courses
    - career services
    - flexible learning programs
    - real world projects from industry experts
AWS Training Courses

Week 4: CDMX Summit Partners

AWS Sponsor Exhibitors | AWS Sponsor Training Partners


  • Software development digital solutions provider
    > AWS Public Sector Partner
    (FinTech, HealthTech, Insurance, Hospitality, Transport, Logistics)
    * HQ: Mexico City, MX
AWS Lambda solutions for all industries

cloud computing | data analytics | web app development | mobile app development | API integrations | machine learning services | blockchain development | application security | ux/ui interface design x AWS
Learn how they use AWS Lambda to power solutions for the public.

  • Fastlane: Leading provider of advanced IT training to upskill and test abilities with industry concepts and solutions in the cloud — ‘totally free’.
    > Advanced Tier Training
    * HQ: Morrisville, NC
Fastlane offers technology & business education, coaching, as well as consulting services to vendors, their channels and customers.

aws courses | certifications | guaranteed dates for online trainings | e-learning courses | aws consulting

Fastlane x AWS
Learn more about their key differentiators in leading the IT education & consulting


  • CompuEducación: Latam’s cloud adopting enterprise offering multi-cloud professional training & coaching
    > AWS Consulting Partner
    * HQ: Mexico City, MX
Multi-cloud partners
Global customers

IT training (for main manufacturers in MX) | IT management & governance (courses for successful implementation of management practices) | e-learning & talent (for companies and content development)

CompuEducación x AWS
Learn more about they’re influencing global customers through consulting with AWS.

  • LearnQuest: Uniquely positioned to provide business or organization expert training for AWS cloud adoption. Personalized cloud training to equip employees with the specific skills their roles require.
    > Advanced Tier Training
    * HQ: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Authorized AWS Training Partner

instructor-led virtual training | instructor-led classroom training | self-paced training | custom training |

LearnQuest x AWS
Learn more about AWS topics via an extensive library of free articles, webinars, white papers, and case studies.

  • Netec: Latam’s largest IT training (live & online) supporting enterprises and governments — become an experts by learning from experts.
    > Advanced Tier Training
    * HQ: Mexico City, MX
AWS Training by roles

certification training by role: architecture (solutions architect, application architect) | data analytics (cloud data engineer) | development (software development engineer) | operations (systems administrator, cloud engineer) | dev ops (test engineer, cloud devops engineer, dev sec ops engineer) | security (cloud security engineer, cloud security architect) | networking (network engineer) | AI/ML (machine learning engineer)

Netec x AWS
Learn more about which certifications Netec suggests by cloud role and product domain.

Looking forward to attending the last AWS Summit of this year’s roster and connecting with LATAM builders in Mexico City. This 4 week sharing agenda is meant to be a two-part highlight of the summit, so expect a Post-AWS Summit Mexico City 2023 in the weeks following the event where I’ll be sharing what I gleaned from the summit as a whole!

