How to Analyze Soccer Player Performance Using Data: Unveil the Stars of Tomorrow

David Massey
5 min readOct 10, 2023

From tracking completed passes and analyzing distance covered to delving into advanced statistical metrics, the realm of soccer data analytics is a treasure trove of knowledge waiting to be explored. In this comprehensive guide, get ready to embark on an exhilarating adventure as we equip you with the essential tools and techniques to dive into the world of soccer player performance analysis.

Prepare to be captivated by real-world examples and unleash the power of Python code. Whether you are an ardent soccer enthusiast, an analyst, or an aspiring data scientist, this guide will broaden your horizons and unlock the untapped potential of soccer data analysis. Together, let’s kick off this exciting journey! Soccer is more than just a game of two halves; it’s an enthralling sport that weaves together the beauty of teamwork, strategy, and sheer athleticism. But what truly makes soccer fascinating is the vast universe of data that can unveil valuable insights into player performance.

Why Data Matters in Soccer

Data analytics has taken the soccer world by storm! 📊⚽️ It’s no longer just about scouting talent or creating strategies. Now, teams use it to maximize player performance on the field, gaining insights into everything from individual…



David Massey

Hey, I'm Dave, the guy behind all this content. I'm based in Dublin and have a background in consulting and software development.