Copy cats

Dajella Overweg
2 min readMar 20, 2019


a Sketch exercise

Another day, another challenge. This time we had a challenge to learn to work with sketch. How do you use the toys and which toys are you going to use for what? The exercise was to goal copy two screens that had already been designed.

So, how to start? I had to analyze this document first. As I’m used work with Photoshop I started to imaginary peel this document into layers. What was the bottom layer and which layers came on top of it?

Then, layer for layer I thought of how to create the elements. And that’s how I’ve built the copies. Every layer had it’s own difficulties and little issues that had to be solved or sorted out. So there were a lot of lessons to be learned. But hey, that’s what we’re here for.

The end result: on the left the original screens, on the right the ones I’ve reproduced

What I’ve learned
-what tools are there?
-how do you use the tools?
-tutorials can be very useful to watch
-using short key’s makes you work faster.



Dajella Overweg

Amsterdam based former graphic, now UX/UI designer. Huge designlover. Also ❤️ architecture, photography, good food & travel.