Dr. Evil, A Quarter Life Crisis, and School

4 min readDec 5, 2018


As the final days of the most widely celebrated holiday, No Shave November, came to a close so did my grasp of reality. Apparently not shaving for a total of 30 days, is actually long enough to make someone go crazy. Which is exactly why I am now trying to take over the world. (See Baldness). To your complete and utter shock (Sarcasm) just like in the movie, preparations A through G to study for my upcoming biology test were a complete failure. So that is why I have come up with a new plan, Preparation H, in which I have decided to take a break from studying and make a blog. However, contrary to popular belief, on the hole this feels like a good strategy.

Now you may ask me, “Shouldn’t you be focusing your time on important things, rather than wasting time writing things that maybe 50 people will read?” and to that I say, you are absolutely right, but then I remember that I was a decent athlete in high school and I should never have to work hard again in my life. It may not be fair, but just ask me or any other Chad from Delta Sig and they will tell you I’m 100% right.

In this first post, I am going to make it a little more serious than I will in later posts. I don’t want this blog to be about my life. I want it to be a place where we can all come and enjoy some good laughs together. So please do your best to ignore my terrible grammar and spelling. Sit back, grab some kale, Kombucha or whatever new fad is interesting you tonight and enjoy.

soon to be me.

Yes. I shaved my head. When I originally did it, I envisioned more of a Vin Diesel super cool human look, but i just ended up looking like i spent the last 40 years in space hiding from the international man of mystery. In the past 3 days, my head has served as a well needed velcro pad (my pillows actually stay in place, instead of me waking up to my room looking like world war 3 happened the night before). It even taught me the valuable lesson of learning to wear a hat outside in the North Dakota winter as you can contract frostbite in like 3.2 seconds up here. I think my next move is going to be a stop at CVS for some Rogaine foam and try to become a mini Sam Stoll.

In all seriousness, I would like to take some time to catch up on my life and how it’s changed. Even though technically I have been wrestling in college for the past year and a half, its almost been two years since I’ve stepped foot on a competition mat. At 18 years old you should be able to make conscience decisions for yourself, but some of us like to cut a more dangerous path. I have opened my eyes to some realities of this world and it has honestly been a blessing in disguise. my whole life pretty much until I Graduated high school was athletics and I wouldn’t change that for the world, but people always saw me as Dakota, the athlete, I feel as if now I’m being seen more as Dakota, the person. Which in my mind will carry you a lot further in life. We all have opinions of other people and like to do the “man if i was in his position…” talk, I’m very guilty of doing this many times. The reality of it is, we truly do not know what is going on inside the mind of another person, only that person actually knows. becoming aware of mental health has one of my biggest jumps as a human. Everyone is different, but no one should be alone.

Moving back to North Dakota in February was a very big jump for me. I took a break from school and I got a job. Living as, what I call a normal person, really was a change for me. For the first time in my life, I realized the world isn’t about me. I come and go, along with other people, but the world will always go on. I got to reconnect with my some of my family and even live with my Grandma(She may not have noticed I was there half of the time due to fortnite) but for the future of my life, moving to Fargo was extremely important.

I knew I still had unfinished business on the wrestling mat, and this journey to get back is and has been a long, grueling one; but I am very happy with where my life has taken me. The University of Mary is the best place for me in the country. This team, my coaches, They are my family and I wouldn’t trade them for the world. The trust I have in them is what every athlete desires in the people that surround them. I do not think i could freeze half to death with another group of people.

So if you take anything from this introduction post I want it to be, to open your eyes and see that the path you have thought out for yourself is not always the right one. You will be tried, you will fail, but you can always gather your things and get right back up and try again.

Now I must get back to taking over the world and defeating Mr. Powers.

With love,





The Name is Dakota Galt. I’m pretty cool, if you read my blog you would know.