The Top Pros and Cons to Being a Real Estate Agent

Dakota Timm
2 min readMar 23, 2020


Dakota Timm — The Top Pros and Cons To Being A Real Estate Agent

Real estate is a growing field as people continue to need to buy and sell houses. While for some a career in real estate is their first career, others choose to switch careers to become real estate agents. Before deciding to take the plunge, here are some pros and cons to being a real estate agent.

Pro: Real Estate Agents have Flexible Schedules

One of the best perks of a career in this industry is that real estate agents have a flexible schedule. Agents can design showings and meetings around their own needs. This can especially be a boon to working mothers and fathers, as it allows them to balance work with having kids. If agents want, they can arrange to show houses only during school hours or on the weekend.

Pro: Real Estate Agents Make a Difference

While it might seem as though only people at non-profits can make a difference in the world, real estate agents help people by finding their clients a home that suits their needs. This can mean helping people make the right investments at crucial and stressful times of their lives, such as with the arrival of a new baby. Finding the right home can bring peace and joy to clients, which truly makes a difference in their lives.

Con: Real Estate Agents Face Lulls in Revenue

Real estate agents make money through commission. When the housing market tanks or there are lulls in consumer purchasing, real estate agents can get hit hard. This means that there can be times of great wealth and times of low-income revenue. Individual markets can also vary widely. To prepare for this volatility, real estate agents should have savings and consider expenses for these slower periods.

Con: Real Estate Agents Work Many Hours

Even though real estate agents decide their own hours, the more hours they put in help increase their returns. Agents may also need to show homes at more untraditional hours, such as the evenings or weekends. Especially when agents begin their careers, they can put in a lot of hours to establish themselves within the community. Depending on the goals of the real estate agent, this could mean putting in more than 40 hours a week.

Real estate agents have largely independent careers. This can give them the ability to achieve great heights of success, but there are also inherent risks in working on commission. These pros and cons can help people deciding whether to pursue a career as a real estate agent.

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Dakota Timm

Dakota Timm is an entrepreneur and world traveler based in Virginia. He is currently pursuing a MBA from William and Mary’s. Be sure to visit