A Day in the Life of an INFP

Dak Vava
4 min readJun 12, 2024
Photo by Gauravdeep Singh Bansal on Unsplash

My hands are weak, no strength to work, no strength to type.

In “Write Down My Bones” it says you just write, don’t think about anything, just keep writing, start writing, keep writing, and the things in your heart will flow out. Even if there are typos, don’t delete or correct them.

Every correction is an activity of the brain, and the initial thoughts have immense energy. Let that immense energy flow out.

I don’t know what I will write next, I don’t know what I am writing now, but I can clearly feel my typing speed getting faster, my fingers have regained strength, and each keystroke brings a pleasant sensation. But my arms are still weak, why is that?

Waking up today made me realize something, something I’ve noticed many times before. We need to repeat, repeat, and repeat again to truly remember important things.

Is that so? Often we can remember some things instantly, so what are the important things? Are they the ones we remember or the ones we forget?

It seems we don’t need to think about these things. Thinking too much is exhausting, the brain keeps spinning.

Writing like this seems to bring some pleasure. Our bodies are piled up with a lot of garbage, all those things that don’t belong to us are garbage.



Dak Vava

Hermes practitioner; exploring the application of spirituality and mindfulness in wealth creation and happiness. Introvert entrepreneur, TedX Curator, M.D.