The Independent Personality of Zen

Finding Inner Strength in Adversity

Dak V
ZEN do
3 min readMay 26, 2024


If you can’t withstand scrutiny and setbacks, and a little bit of stimulation topples you, it shows that you need more tempering to be able to settle deeper within your heart; otherwise, you can’t grow.

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The Necessity of Hardship

Therefore, Master Padmasambhava requires someone who has attained the emptiness of mind to enter secret practices, to enter stimulating negative environments, to enter graveyards, because only such places can quickly mature you.

Otherwise, you remain in an ivory tower, unable to mature. This method is not only applicable to Buddhists; even a person without religious beliefs can have such experiences.

The Wisdom of Elders

You will find that your elders, especially those who have experienced war and a life of suffering, will tell you: the only shortcoming of your generation is that you haven’t endured hardship, so your muscles and bones lack weight and strength.

That strength doesn’t emerge because you haven’t suffered. Only when a person has endured suffering and persisted can their inner strength be revealed!

Suzuki Daisetsu’s Observations

In his Zen writings, Suzuki Daisetsu mentioned that Zen essentially became extinct after the late Song Dynasty. However, we find more Zen records after that period.

But you should know that the Zen records after the late Song are superficial, while only the earlier records have real substance! For example, “The Blue Cliff Record” by Yuanwu Keqin is particularly excellent. I recommend everyone read it. There may be opportunities to discuss “The Blue Cliff Record” in the future.

The Decline of Zen

Suzuki Daisetsu pointed out that one apparent reason for the extinction of Zen after the late Song Dynasty is that the style of Zen monasteries became residential.

A Zen monk could live in the temple for a lifetime without needing to go anywhere, just practicing Zen. This shift occurred because of Dahui Zonggao, a great disciple of Yuanwu Keqin, who invented the practice of koan Zen.

The Critique of Koan Zen

Suzuki Daisetsu criticized that Zen declined after the introduction of koan Zen. Why? Before koan Zen, a Zen monk needed to travel the world, visiting high masters everywhere, and that wandering itself entailed immense challenges, with months spent exposed to the elements.

A Zen monk walking in nature, with such an independent spirit, relying on no one, could truly attain enlightenment. Only such a wandering Zen monk could genuinely achieve enlightenment with true spiritual strength.

The Loss of Independent Spirit

But what about your enlightenment? Perhaps you have some insight, but you may even doubt your realization because you lack strength and haven’t walked in the world for three months.

This is why Suzuki said that since the advent of koan Zen and the ability to stay in monasteries for long periods, Zen declined because that independent personality was lost.



Dak V
ZEN do

Zen, AI, INFP, ADHD, Neurodiversity, Neuroqueer, Borges.