3-Tier Digital Marketing Strategy

3 min readJan 8, 2024


Digital marketing strategy

More than half of the world is online, watching their screens for over 3 hours daily. It becomes a challenge to show why your audience deserves your product in the minimum time possible.

This can be strategized using a 3-tier digital marketing strategy.

Tier Number One: Online presence, The fundamentals.

An online presence gives you the superpower to be seen even when your physical business is closed. You need a solid online digital presence for this opportunity to be discovered and searched.

A web application. Listing in the local directories, such as Google My Business and Bing Place. A mobile application. And social media profile. These are the four primary services.

Displaying your business goals on your landing page tells your unique selling point to the customers. The four primary services cover most of the internet, your audience, and the seller’s market.

Starting with a good website and listing in the local directories, put the word for your work online and constitute the baseline audience. Social media pages add diversification to your baseline audience. And special offers and features are brought in for local customers through the mobile application.

The stairs keep narrowing down your audience from everyone to loyal customers.

3-Tier Digital Marketing Strategy 2024 (Step by Step for beginners)

Tier Number 2: Marketing your online presence.

In the race to appear on the first page of the Search result, paid marketing strategies are implemented, which are strictly guided by calendar-based events, such as Christmas and New Year sales.

For the long term, An unpaid technique that, as Search engine optimization, makes your online presence more relevant and helps you score better in the search result index based on the keyword searched in the query. But to stand out in the competition on a specific day or to target a particular audience, A Paid or sponsored strategy, such as Search engine marketing, can help you Buy space on the search result page and place your ad number in the search results because, in the bidding auction, you have bid the most on the particular keyword.

This is called Social media marketing. It is compelling that a potential shopper may learn about the benefits of buying from you or end up on your landing page while he is using your challengers’ website.

Tier Number 3: Analysis and adoption.

You will be taking to numbers to make informed decisions. Numbers show the most popular page, where people click the most, how many times you appear in the result, the ranking of your websites, and a lot more. After studying the numbers, a new trial strategy is adopted.

For example, using A/B Email marketing, those who want to hear from us in the email will be divided into 2 subsets. Two email templates will be designed; the first subset will receive an A email, and the second subset will receive the second email.

Then, we will check for open rate, click-through rate, and increase in traffic through email marketing. And adapt accordingly.

key points:

  • how to make an online presence
  • Digital marketing the online presence
  • Web analytics — Analyse and Aapt technique.




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