Diables — Traditions meets innovation Pt. 2

Andrea d'Alessandro
5 min readMar 17, 2020


This is the continuation to Diables — Traditions meets innovation Pt.1.
If you missed the first part, please go on ahead and give it a read as it will give you a better understanding of the issue and the reasearch.

The value proposition and the storyboard we defined in the previous article, narrowed down quite nicely the potential features that our digital solution might need to have.
This said I decided to adopt 2 brainstorming techniques: 1) involved other people to opt-in and the 2) to re-iteration of ideas multiple times.


  1. Brainwriting → write down 3 ideas on a large sheet of paper, pass this paper on to the participant next to you, who will then add another 3 ideas to the paper. 8 people×3 ideas= 24 ideas.
  2. Crazy 8 → 8 different variations of the same idea

Now I have around 40 ideas to analyze, screen, and prioritize.

In order to do the first screening, I used one of the different Prioritization Matrixes (specifically, the C-Box Matrix) — after its application, I was left with 15 ideas.

I was quite satisfied with the end result, so all that was left to do was to prioritize the order of which feature should be developed first.
To achieve this, I used another Matrix that nailed the job :


We now have the features, what needs to be done now is how all these elements connect to each other and how a potential user flow would work.
The base ground is that our digital solution will work as a “Management App” — this requires that the architecture is divided into a User and an Admin Branch

The User flow will focus on :

  • Signing up to “Correfocs” and “Assemblees” and view relative information
  • View/Download of meeting notes (File repository)
  • Receive push notifications/reminders from Admins and events

The Admin flow :

  • Includes user flow functions
  • Creation and sending of push notifications
  • View participation lists to the different events (ability to export list in excel)
  • Member’s details management


Considering that Correfocs happen mostly by night, I chose to go with a Dark-Theme style to reflect such characteristics.

But it’s not the only reason: since this will be a management app, dark-theme is the ideal choice to reduce visual noise and keep the user focused on the task at hand without unnecessary distractions.
To further fortify my decisions, dark mode has extra benefits :

Some examples of Dark-Themed app and logos

Style Guide

We have the feature list, we have the architecture and the style guide of our digital solution — all that is left to do is assemble the app.

But before going digital, I wanted to give it a small test-ride with a paper sketch to see if usability was within acceptance.
Due to time restrictions, I will limit myself only to the User version of the app.

This small paper sketch helped me to polish some pointy corners and made some changes then and there to improve the flow.

I give you Diables, the managing app for Colles de Diables.

graph made with Overflow

Now it’s time to get the prototype in the hands of real users and get feedback and impressions.
People that participated in the test :

  • Focus Group
  • Admin Users (Cap de Foc and Junta)
  • Normal Users ( Diables and Tabalers)


The idea was incredibly well-received to the point that a revision is on-going and possible development will be coming soon.

Let’s go through some of those revisions :

  • Remove the stylized “s” from the name “Diables”
  • Remove past events from the active “Correfoc” and “Assemblees” list: to some users, it resulted confusing having future and past events mixed together, even with the color coding to separate between past and upcoming— create a new section, such has “Historial” where, once an event is passed, it will be moved to this new section alongside with all the rest (no division needed between event types).
  • Ability to select events by directly clicking on a day in the calendar.
  • Have a “Tabaler” participation section reflecting the same participation logic of the “Correfoc” page (Tabalers have weekly music practice and the Cap de Tabals would benefit a lot know in advance assistance of the members to the practice) — this feature was already taken into account in the “Should Have” features.
  • Possibility to choose between “Tabaler” and “Cremador” in the “Correfoc” assistance section.

It’s been an exciting experience and I’m greatly looking forward to developing further “Diables”.

Thanks for reading!



Andrea d'Alessandro

Biotechnologist with a knack for Data Analysis, an aptitude for UX Design and a passion for videogames.