Sex Ed in Barcelona — A Design Thinking Research Pt.2

Andrea d'Alessandro
5 min readFeb 25, 2020


Howdy! You’ve landed in the 2/2 part of a thrilling design thinking reaserch :)
If you have already read the 1/2 part , please go on ahead and enjoy! Otherwise, you might totally want to check out the
1/2 part before moving forward with this article :D


Now that we had clear what our value proposition was, we needed to start brainstorming - from the craziest to the most traditional ideas.

We used different techniques but the ones that proved to be more efficient for this project were the following :

  • Brainstorming 3–12–3 → 3 minutes for generating a pool of observations, 12 for combining those observations into rough concepts, and 3 again for presenting the concepts back to a group.
  • Brainwriting → write down 3 ideas on a large sheet of paper, pass this paper on to the participant next to you, who will then add another 3 ideas to the paper. This is done 4 times and generates 4×12 = 48 ideas.

The ideas ranged from Websites, Robots, VR Apps and much more! We did an initial screening which halved the numbers of idea and from there we went on with a C-Box Matrix when we couldn’t narrow down any further :

We ultimately did a final screening, imagining which were the ideas that were more feasible to build, taking into account our resources and time restrictions.
By combining the selected ideas, it came clear that our solution would be a digital portal we a number of key features that would hopefully help youngsters to educate themselves on Sex. Ed.


The exercise that we needed to do at this stage, was understanding and visualizing how all the wanted features tied down together and how a potential user would navigate through them in a flow :

User Flow initial draft
Architecture initial draft

To summarise some of the key functionalities of FLUIDX :

  • Interactive video content for fun and engaging learning.
  • Newsfeed with reliable and moderated content.
  • Forum where the user can share his experiences and voice his doubts.
  • Educational Quizzes to test their knowledge about your own body and other Sex. Ed. topics.
  • Chat Support with experts in the sector to provide counseling


We scoured the web looking for inspiration, something that truly caught our attention.
Although Sexual Education is a serious topic, we didn’t want to make it feel like a punishment — instead, we wanted to go with something joyful, fun, and why not, also a bit provocative.

Style Guide

After deciding which parts we liked most of our moodboards, here is the style guid we came up with for FLUIDX

We defined the features we would like to have and how they would interact with each other, and we made a style guide to follow regarding the brand identity, so all that is left to do is to get prototype with Sketch for the views and Principle for the animations (and a bit of iMovies for the video editing) :

An example we made for interactive video

Time to get our prototype in the hands of the user and get first-hand feedback : How will users react to our idea? Is the flow clear enough ? will they find it useful? or were we too ambitious?

Due to the fact of being minors, we did not take face picture of the testers


Let's proceed with the outcome :

Positives :

  • Navigation was clear for all users → when asked to explore a specific section of the webpage, users were able to instinctively find all the correct sections by using the navigation bar.
  • Interacting Videos were especially well-received → they found it fun and engaging and an ideal way to teach effect, consequences, and results of decisions, in a safe virtual way.
  • Moderated Forums where users could share their personal experiences and ask questions that would be uncomfortable to ask the family.

Negatives :

  • The Chat function was widely misinterpreted → it wasn’t clear that it would put the user in contact with an expert for counseling.
  • Quizzes were the only elements that not always were found intuitively → we believe that this part deserves a section of its own (it was placed within the news sections)
  • Moderated Forums should have the option to write anonymously → the users were concerned about their security and privacy when touching some sensible topics.

It was an amazing learning experience, where we faced many unexpected challenges that made us think out of the box and learn different new techniques of ideation.

This brings an end to our design thinking project — thanks for reading!



Andrea d'Alessandro

Biotechnologist with a knack for Data Analysis, an aptitude for UX Design and a passion for videogames.