It’s 2022, I’m Twenty-Nine, and I Still Live at Home.

If you’re curious to learn how I’m handling turning 30, then the joke is on you, because I am not handling it.

Dalia Y.


Who decides what it means to maturely and appropriately deal with something, anyway?

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Kidding aside, the truth of my turning the big 3–0 has launched me into an arbitrarily imposed and self-induced state of frenzied financial panic. This time last year I would have been reluctant to even so much as glance at my visa statement or checking account because 1. I had much more saved and felt a false sense of security 2. I was (still am, but working on it) very irresponsible.

My attitude towards personal finance has always been cavalier, to an almost excessive degree. If I’m being completely honest (which I am committed to doing here, on my blog, at least) the reality is that most of my non-interest in anything personal-finance related is clearly just an avoidance technique for not wanting to deal with where I am in life, financially and chronologically speaking. Astrologically speaking, I’m fucked.

If you’ve read Catch 22, or haven’t read it but understand the paradox, it’s here: I avoid dealing with my finances because I find my financial situation embarrassing, but I find my financial situation…



Dalia Y.

3x top writer: movies, books & tv. philosophy master’s graduate. aspiring jeopardy contestant. founder at