The false promise of DEIB

Dalia Fox
3 min readNov 25, 2023


In our quest for a world that truly embraces Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB), we find ourselves confronted with a complex question that requires careful consideration of multiple factors. While it may be true that many businesses espouse their commitment to DEIB and have adopted DEIB initiatives, we must not shy away from critically examining their actions and the broader context in which they operate.

It is essential to acknowledge that some businesses may outwardly demonstrate support for DEIB initiatives while simultaneously enacting practices that undermine DEIB. Examples include staying silent on decolonisation, supporting imposing economic sanctions or Russia or Iran, cheering the Afghanistan or Iraq wars, or showing staunch support for the Israeli government. This paradoxical stance raises concerns of double standards in terms of which countries receive support in times of tragedy, bringing into question the authenticity of their commitment to the principles of DEIB.

As we delve deeper into this examination, it becomes evident that practices such as censorship and retaliation towards employees for speaking out go against the very principles upon which DEIB is founded. By stifling open dialogue, these practices hinder progress towards a more inclusive and equitable environment, hindering the collective growth and understanding necessary for meaningful change. Furthermore, this infringes upon employees’ right to freedom of speech and protest.

The Palestinian genocide represents a complex issue with wide-ranging sustainability and DEIB implications. Its reverberations extend beyond political dimensions, encompassing socioeconomic and environmental impacts, such as the displacement of communities, economic instability, and environmental degradation. Achieving true DEIB necessitates an examination of these systemic issues, calling for our collective commitment to peace, justice, and sustainability in this conflicted region.

To gauge our progress towards a genuine DEIB world, we must acknowledge that change is not always a linear trajectory. While it is encouraging to witness some businesses adopting DEIB initiatives, we must remain vigilant in recognizing that systemic change requires ongoing efforts, continuous evaluation, and unwavering accountability. It is incumbent upon businesses to align their actions with their professed commitments to DEIB and to address any inconsistencies or double standards that may emerge along the way.

In contemplating the path forward, it is crucial that we integrate the effects of exposed double standards upon employees. When the veil of inconsistency is lifted within an organization, the impact on its employees can be far-reaching and profound. The experience engenders a dissonance between the company’s stated values and its actions. It leaves employees with cognitive dissonance, grappling with a sense of disillusionment and moral conflict. This cognitive dissonance takes a toll, eroding trust and confidence in the organization.

Consequently, employees may find themselves disengaging from their work, feeling disconnected from the company’s mission and purpose. This disengagement diminishes productivity, dampening the energy and enthusiasm that were once fuelled by a genuine belief in the company’s commitment to DEIB. Moreover, the revelation of double standards may lead to the departure of talented individuals who seek workplaces that align more closely with their deeply held values and unwavering commitment to equity and justice.

In a volatile world, where businesses all over are facing talent shortages, it is imperative that business consider the effects of taking a stance choosing sides or being neutral. Organizations must address concerns with empathy and transparency, fostering an environment that values employee voices, respects their values, and upholds a genuine commitment to DEIB. Only through such concerted efforts can companies cultivate a culture that nurtures the talents within, empowering individuals to contribute their best towards a future that is truly inclusive and equitable.

In conclusion, while the adoption of DEIB initiatives by businesses represents a positive step forward, it is imperative that we critically examine their actions in the light of double standards, censorship and retaliation, and the broader context of complex issues like the Russia-Ukraine war, Palestinian genocide, and decolonisation in general. True progress towards a DEIB world necessitates ongoing efforts across various domains, including business practices, policy, and the collective consciousness of society. Let us strive to engage in this exploration with a resolute determination to inspire action and foster a sense of global community, embracing the interconnectedness of our human experience in pursuit of a brighter, more inclusive future.

