Latin American Identity

dalia ivanoff
4 min readAug 20, 2018


Why do some people claimed that there is a Latin American Identity? Of course we share the same space but why can all these different countries and regions relate so much with each other and even call themselves brothers and sisters?

I would like to begin by saying that even though some people call out Spain as the homeland mother of most of the latin american countries, there was, before the conquests, a culture established here, and what we now can call the latin identity is in reality the violent shock and mix of this two cultures with Portugal and France as well. The Latin American countries form a community of nations, in many cases twinned by the same language, common cultural traditions and a convergent historical evolution, plus the ethnic plurality and the cultural richness that characterized our part of the continent. But what is most important is that, despite the fact of the vast diversity, we all literally see each other as brothers and sisters. We are so damn patriotic and nationalists and we are all so attached to our birth place, I am not reffering just to the city, but the continent and that it inmedately gives the felling that we are all one and one is everybody. But not just everybody because you are part of the place and time you are sharing as well.

He aquí mis vecinos.
He aquí mis hermanos.

Here are my neighbors.
Here are my brothers.

Las mismas caras latinoamericanas
de cualquier punto de America Latina:

The same Latin American faces
from anywhere in Latin America:

Y negrindoblancos

And negrindoblancos

Rubias bembonas
Indios barbudos
Y negros lacios

Bendy blondes
Bearded Indians
And blacks straight

I can assure that we have one of the most powerful populace power and the whole world knows that. We are one of the best at protesting, fighting, confronting, etc, not because we have the resources, tools or the training but because we have the people. We also have wonderful and outstanding artists due to an strong influence of our vast syncretism and the attention we pay to the importance of arts. Latino American artworks are so freacking passionate and extremely deep.

Paraíso de luz, de sol e ilusiones
entronizado en la tierra americana,
donde se puede charlar entre naciones
con la dulzura de nuestra lengua hispana.

Comarca de cumbias, de tangos, de sones,
de joropos, de porros y de rancheras
que nacieron en los campos con blasones
con el ritmo tropical de las palmeras.

En su seno se conserva la esperanza
de libertad y de unión entre latinos
para vivir en placer sin amenaza,
sin temor al criminal en los caminos.

¡Unión, unión, unión! hoy es el grito
en la llanura, en los valles y en la sierra
el cual colma espacios con eco finito
para apagar el incendio de la guerra.

Paradise of light, sun and illusions
enthroned on American soil,
where you can chat between nations
with the sweetness of our Spanish language.
District of cumbias, of tangos, of sones,
of joropos, porros and rancheras
that were born in the fields with blazons
with the tropical rhythm of the palm trees.
Hope is preserved in her
of freedom and union among Latinos
to live in pleasure without threat,
without fear of the criminal on the roads.
Union, union, union! today is the scream
in the plain, in the valleys and in the mountains
which fills spaces with finite echo
to put out the fire of war.

In conclusion, those three aspects characterized America Latina’s culture: 1) ethnic pluratily, how we embrace the diversity and how we all are one despicte that.2) The strong power of the people/population (we can see evidence of these throughout the history. 3) How artistic we are, and how different and passionate latino american artworks are. I am so proud of being latina, and I am completely fond of being united with all of these neighbours countries because it gives you the felling that you are not even remotely alone, you have sisters and brothers all over from Mexico to Argentina who would back you up, and that is the power of the people, the power of Latino America.

