He chooses the night… to unleash a crime that echoes with horror!

Dalia Mohisen
7 min readOct 15, 2024


In the shadows, where darkness blankets the land, he becomes the architect of despair, a figure cloaked in malevolence. The night, once a refuge, is transformed into a canvas of suffering, painted with the blood of the innocent.He targets peaceful civilians, cloaking their suffering in ambiguity!

With cold precision, he strikes at the heart of communities, where laughter and love flourish. Their cries for help are muffled by the cacophony of destruction, their suffering rendered invisible to a world that turns away, unwilling to witness the nightmare unfolding before their eyes.

He preys on children, weaving their innocence into a complex tapestry of tragedy!

Innocent laughter becomes a haunting memory, snuffed out by the relentless march of cruelty. Children, the very embodiment of hope, find their dreams turned to dust, their futures eclipsed by the specter of violence. Their joy is a flicker, extinguished by the dark winds of fate.

He chooses the fabric of tents, making their weight a burden too heavy to bear!

Tents meant to offer shelter morph into tombs, each thread woven with the weight of despair. Families huddle within, clinging to one another as if love could shield them from the tempest outside. Yet, with each explosion, the walls close in, suffocating them with fear and uncertainty.

He revels in his twisted satisfaction, a sadist indulging in the macabre, crafting new forms of extermination that have yet to be penned in the annals of tyrants and conquerors.

He thrives on the anguish he inflicts, a puppet master of despair weaving grotesque tales of demise. In the ashes of the fallen, he finds joy, a sadistic pleasure in the annihilation of hope. His actions write a new chapter in the history of horror, one that will forever stain the conscience of humanity.

With one hand, he chokes the northern sector, demolishing, grinding, purging, and erasing existence with a merciless grip.He is relentless, a storm of destruction that spares no soul. The northern sector becomes a graveyard of dreams, each bomb falling like a silent thief, stealing away the very essence of life. Homes crumble, and with them, the spirit of a people once vibrant with resilience.And tomorrow, he will ponder which sleeping nation to ravage next… For the days turn like a cruel wheel, and indeed, divine justice is relentless.Each dawn brings a new opportunity for devastation, a fresh canvas for his malevolence. Nations sleep, blissfully ignorant of the horrors that await them. But the wheel of fate spins, and the day will come when the tide turns, when justice rises from the ashes.The Zionist holocaust of the displaced unfolds before a world that turns a blind eye.

The true horror of the situation becomes a grotesque reality, a nightmare that unfolds under the gaze of the indifferent. While the flames rage, the world stands silent, paralyzed by the weight of complicity. The displaced bear witness to their own genocide, their suffering rendered invisible in the grand narrative of geopolitics.

This is the true Holocaust, but America remains blind to its flames.The flames engulf the innocent, but the narrative remains shackled by silence. America, once a beacon of hope, now closes its eyes to the suffering, choosing to ignore the reality of its complicity. The blood cries out, yet the powerful turn a deaf ear, allowing the cycle of violence to continue unabated.

“They burned people alive.” Flames roared from the tents of the displaced, ignited by Israeli airstrikes that shattered the calm near Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah.

The night erupts into chaos, the sound of explosions ringing out like a funeral dirge. Families are awakened from sleep, only to find their world engulfed in flames. The air thickens with smoke and despair, as mothers scream for their children, their cries swallowed by the inferno.They incinerated the bodies of Gaza’s women and children while they slept in their tents, consumed by hatred, arrogance, and malice.The flames consume lives, leaving nothing but charred remains. Innocence is reduced to ashes, and the world bears silent witness to the atrocity. Hatred fuels the fire, a malicious force that revels in the destruction of lives and dreams.

All the Arab nations watch in grim fascination, as if entranced by a Hollywood horror film, too paralyzed to even utter a word of condemnation or protest.The world becomes a spectator, horror-struck but impotent. The cries for help go unanswered, drowned out by the silence of leaders who choose to remain complicit. The unfolding tragedy becomes a macabre performance, while the oppressed wait for someone – anyone – to intervene.Now, the people have no choice but to wash their hands of these failed regimes and rise to defend Palestine with their own strength.The time for silence has passed. The oppressed find their voices, rising from the ashes of despair with a newfound determination. They turn to one another, forging bonds of solidarity, understanding that their strength lies in unity and resistance.

They slaughtered the living in their homes, schools, and mosques. They turned tents into graves, engulfing families in flames.The sanctity of life is shattered, as violence spills into every corner of existence. Homes, once filled with laughter, now echo with cries of anguish. The very places meant for healing are turned into sites of suffering, where the flames of destruction sweep through, consuming all in their path.

They desecrated the dead, digging up graves with laughter, oblivious to the sanctity of life.

Even in death, dignity is stripped away. The bodies of the deceased are treated with contempt, their resting places violated, a horrifying spectacle that highlights the depths of depravity. The laughter of the callous mingles with the silence of the forgotten, a stark reminder of humanity’s failure.

They arrest the youth, dragging them into darkness, where their cries vanish into silence.

The youth, the hope of the future, are snatched away, their screams swallowed by the shadows. In the dark, their dreams flicker out, extinguished by a regime that fears their potential. Each disappearance marks a loss, a reminder of the brutal realities faced by those who dare to hope.

They pick off children from the rooftops, their laughter turned to screams for the amusement of the callous.Innocent joy is transformed into terror, as laughter becomes the soundtrack to horror. The innocence of childhood is stolen in an instant, leaving behind only echoes of what could have been – a haunting reminder of the cost of indifference.They uprooted families, forcing them to sleep in the streets, where hope withers in the cold.The streets become a battleground, where families are left to fend for themselves against the elements. Hope becomes a distant memory, with each passing night deepening the chill of despair. The laughter of children fades into silence, replaced by the sound of suffering.

They razed hospitals, turning sanctuaries into sites of despair, while denying the sick even a shred of care.The very places designed to provide healing are transformed into nightmares. The sick and wounded are left to suffer, their pleas ignored. The sanctity of life is obliterated, as the most vulnerable become collateral damage in a war without mercy.

They starved a people, barricading the entry of food as if famine were a weapon of war.

Hunger becomes a weapon, wielded with cruel efficiency. Families grow weaker as their access to sustenance is denied, the gnawing emptiness in their bellies a constant reminder of their suffering. Famine looms like a dark cloud, threatening to engulf them.

The deranged man, obsessed with “ghettos,” aims to confine us all within suffocating walls, killing us slowly from the inside out. Some with hunger, others with bombs, and still more with the flames of a burning world… Sometimes, even with the haunting echoes of longing and waiting for a peace that never arrives.

He constructs walls that suffocate hope, confining lives to a space too small to contain their dreams. With each passing day, despair deepens, hunger gnaws, and the flames of violence continue to rage, a relentless force that extinguishes the flickering candle of hope.

And while they speak to you of rights and treaties, glossing over the glittering headlines of “humanity,” remember this scene vividly.

The rhetoric of justice rings hollow in the face of such brutality. The world spins its narratives, but the truth lies in the ashes of burnt tents and the cries of the suffering, a stark reminder that words alone cannot heal the wounds inflicted by violence.Tents are reduced to ash, consumed by fire with the innocent trapped inside… at a hospital that was supposed to be a sanctuary.

The flames dance in the night, consuming everything in their path. The cries of the innocent are lost in the roar of destruction, their hopes and dreams reduced to nothing more than smoke. The sanctuary meant for healing becomes a graveyard, echoing with the memories of lives lost.

The cries of the displaced fill the air, a symphony of agony that the world has chosen to ignore.

Their voices rise in a haunting chorus, a desperate plea for recognition in a world that has turned its back. Each cry is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a reminder that even in the face of unimaginable suffering, the will to survive endures. Yet, the world remains silent, a bystander to the horrors that unfold, leaving the displaced to bear their burden alone.

Another life was consumed by flames, their voice fading as they were crying for help, they had found temporary refuge in a tent near al-Aqsa hospital, having already lost everything. Displaced once again, their search for safety ended in unimaginable suffering, as history’s darkest shadows seemed to repeat themselves.

Even if you can only donate a little, help save my family and me from this brutal war…🇵🇸




Dalia Mohisen
Dalia Mohisen

Written by Dalia Mohisen

I am a Palestinian girl from Gaza, living amidst the horrors of war.My life and my dreams of studying engineering have been put on hold to save my family 🇵🇸❤️

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