React Essentials - Debouncing Requests to Increase Performance

Dalibor Nerber
5 min readAug 30, 2023



In the realm of React web development, delivering a seamless user experience is a top priority. As applications grow in complexity, effectively managing rapid and frequent network requests becomes essential. This is where the concept of debouncing comes into play.

Debouncing, a technique for controlling request frequency, can make a significant impact. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can effortlessly integrate request debouncing into your React applications using the popular lodash library.

Join us as we dive into the core concepts of debouncing, and its implementation within the context of React using TypeScript. Through practical examples and code snippets, we’ll demonstrate how debouncing can elevate your application’s efficiency and responsiveness.

Let’s get started!

Why Use Debounce? Understanding the Need:

Without debounce
With debounce

Before delving into the technical details, let’s explore why implementing debouncing is crucial when developing interactive features like county selection within a React application.

The Challenge of Frequent Requests:

Consider a scenario where a user is searching for a specific county within a dropdown selector. Without debouncing, each keystroke by the user immediately triggers a new request to the server. This can lead to an influx of requests in quick succession as the user types, potentially overwhelming the server and creating unnecessary network traffic.

Fetching Without Debounce:

Suppose a user is searching for “Los Angeles County.” Without debouncing, for each letter typed (“L,” “O,” “S,” etc.), the application sends a separate request to the server. This can result in redundant database queries and inefficient handling of these numerous requests on the server side.

The Role of Debouncing:

Enter debouncing — a technique that introduces a delay before sending a request in response to user input. This delay provides a brief window during which the user can continue typing. If the user types another letter within this window, the previous request is canceled, and a new one is scheduled. This ensures that only one request is made after the user pauses typing, leading to optimized server resource usage and a smoother user experience.

Benefits in Action:

Visualize this with our county selector example. With debouncing, as the user types “L,” the application waits momentarily (as determined by the debounce delay) before initiating a request. If the user quickly types “O,” the previous “L” request is canceled, and a new request for “LO” is scheduled. This controlled approach prevents a flood of requests that would occur without debouncing.

In Summary:

In essence, debouncing is an essential technique for handling frequent interactions with APIs triggered by user input. By regulating request frequency and dispatching queries only after the user has paused, we can create a more efficient and responsive application, enhancing the user experience.

As we move forward, we’ll delve into the practical implementation of debouncing using the lodash library within a React environment.

Join us as we unravel the mechanics behind this optimization!

In this section, we’ll guide you through the process of implementing request debouncing in a React application using the Ant Design Select component. We'll create a method that fetches counties from an API using the debounce technique, employ Axios for fetching, and utilize the useState hook to manage the data.

Lets create some state to store our data:

const [counties, setCounties] = useState<ICounty[]>([]);

Lets create the Select component:

onSearch={(searchText: string) =>
debouncedCountySearch(searchText, setCounties)

Now that we have searchable select component and some state to manage our data, lets create a debounced version of the function responsible for fetching counties:

import axios from "axios";
import { debounce } from "lodash";
import { COUNTY_URL } from "../../hooks/urls";

export const debouncedCountySearch = debounce(
(searchText: string, setter: (data: ICounty[]) => void) => {
return axios
.get(COUNTY_URL, {
params: {
active: true,
query: searchText,
.then((res) => setter(;


In this section, we’ve walked you through the process of implementing request debouncing in a React application using the Ant Design Select component, Axios for fetching, and the useState hook for managing data. By leveraging debouncing, we've optimized the way our application interacts with the API, ensuring efficient performance by mitigating excessive requests.

A More Efficient Approach: Introducing the useDebounce Hook

While the approach we’ve covered so far is perfectly functional, it does have its limitations. With this approach, we’d need to craft a debounce function for every entity we wish to debounce, which can quickly lead to code duplication. It’s time to introduce a more elegant and reusable solution — the useDebounce hook. With this custom hook, we'll encapsulate the debounce logic into a single, versatile function that can be employed across various parts of our application. This not only streamlines our codebase but also simplifies the process of applying debounce functionality to multiple entities within our React.js project. Let's dive into crafting this hook and unlock its full potential for enhancing our application's performance.

import { debounce } from "lodash";

export const useDebounce = <T,>(
fetcher: (searchText: string) => Promise<{ data: T }>,
setter: (data: T) => void
) => {
const debouncedSearch = debounce((searchText: string) => {
return fetcher(searchText).then((res) => setter(;
}, 500);

function handleSearch(searchText: string) {
if (searchText.length > 2) debouncedSearch(searchText);

return {

The useDebounce hook provides a reusable solution for adding debounce functionality to search operations in a React application. It accepts a fetcher function for making requests and a setter function for updating state based on the search results. When handleSearch is called with a search query, it debounces the query and triggers the fetcher function after a brief delay, improving performance by reducing the number of rapid requests sent to the server. It also includes a conditional check to ensure that the search query has a minimum length before debouncing.

Calling the useDebounce Hook in Your Component:

Integrating the useDebounce hook into your component is a breeze. With a single line of code, you can enhance your search functionality with debouncing. Here's how you can call the hook:

const { handleSearch: handleCountySearch } = 
useDebounce<ICounty[]>(fetchCounties, updateCounties);

In this concise line, we unleash the power of debouncing in our component. The useDebounce hook is invoked with two essential functions. The first, fetchCounties, defines how to fetch your data with a specified search text. The second, updateCounties, sets the fetched data into your component's state.

Once this line is in place, the handleSearch function becomes your go-to event handler for initiating searches, automatically handling the debouncing logic. As you type into your search input, it ensures that API requests are sent efficiently, optimizing the user experience and improving overall performance. It's a small addition with a big impact on your React.js application's responsiveness.

With the useDebounce hook seamlessly integrated, you're well on your way to providing a smoother user experience in your application.

This is what our fetchCounties function looks like:

function fetchCounties(searchText: string) {
return axios.get(COUNTY_URL, {
params: {
active: true,
query: searchText,

And this is the updateCounties function:

const updateCounties = (data: ICounty[]) => {

Are you eager to see these principles in action? Ready to make your application sleeker and more user-friendly? It’s time to roll up your sleeves and dive into the practical implementation.


