Dallas Dunlap
1 min readMay 13, 2017


Except, in Watergate, there was an actual burglary to cover up. And there was a real cover-up, which involved making payoffs to witnesses.

There is nothing like that here. There is a claim that somehow “Russia hacked the election.” But there is no logical chain of events which starts with “Vladimir Putin decides to throw the election to Trump” and ends with “and so a slight majority of Rust Belt voters voted for Trump.”

The connection just isn’t there.

The so-called “reports” from the “intelligence community” alleged, with only the barest hint of evidence, that the DNC and Podesta leaks were obtained by Russian intelligence officers and were released through Wikileaks which, in this particular story, is an arm of Russian intelligence. But the “intelligence community” overplayed its hand by publishing the hackers’ code, which turns out to be old code that is readily available on hacker websites.

The rest of the “evidence” was that Russia was behind its perfectly legal cable channel, RT, and its perfectly legal Sputnik news service, whose coverage was not particularly favorable to Hillary.

Add to that that three of Trump’s early supporters had financial dealings with Russia at one time or another. But remember, the Obama administration turned against Russia only two years ago. Up until then, Russia was our friend and many people, including the Podestas and the Clintons, made money in Russia.

IOW, this whole “Russia hacked the election” is the biggest stack of bullshit since the “WMDs in Iraq” campaign which, come to think of it, was also started by the Clintons.

