Dallas Dunlap
1 min readMay 18, 2017


Here’s what Wikileaks said about the family spokesman last year: “Seth Rich’s new “family spokesman” is Brad Bauman a professional Democrat crisis PR consultant with the Pastorum Group.”

Some Pastorum Group info here: https://www.campaignsandelections.com/campaign-insider/new-firm-focus-the-pastorum-group https://www.idealist.org/en/consultant/17831f36e38c4b4098f96ecd68d114e5-the-pastorum-group-washington


Julian Assange in particular and Wikileaks in general have strongly implied, without saying so outright, that Rich was the source of the DNC leak.

While Rod Wheeler has inexplicably walked back his story, Fox still claims that it has an FBI source who has seen the emails and a track back to Gavin MacFadyen, the now deceased director of Wikileaks in London.

So, while far from confirmed, the story is far from debunked. To claim that this long percolating story is some sort of deliberate distraction from WaPo’s unsourced accusations against Trump is ridiculous.

