Repair Guide: How to Fix Scratches on Wood Floor

Dallas Pro List
6 min readFeb 22, 2024


Are scratches on your wood floor ruining its natural beauty? Don’t worry! I’m here to help you learn how to fix scratches on wood floor and restore its flawless appearance. Whether you have small surface scratches or deeper gouges, I will provide you with easy DIY methods and professional techniques to achieve the best results.

Wood floor scratch repair can seem daunting, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can tackle this project with confidence. Say goodbye to unsightly scratches and hello to a beautifully refurbished wood floor!

how to fix scratches on wood floor

Understanding the Types of Wood Floor Scratches

Before you can effectively repair scratches on your wood floor, it’s important to understand the different types of scratches. By identifying the type and severity of the scratches, you can determine the most appropriate repair method.

Surface Scratches

Surface scratches are shallow and usually caused by everyday wear and tear. These scratches may appear as light marks or scuffs on the surface of the wood. They are relatively easy to repair and can often be addressed with simple DIY methods.

Deep Gouges

Deep gouges are more significant and can be caused by heavy furniture or pet nails. These scratches go beyond the surface of the wood and require more extensive repair techniques. Deep gouges may appear as deep grooves or indentations in the wood.

Furniture Scratches

Furniture scratches are a common type of damage that occurs when furniture is moved or dragged across the floor. These scratches can vary in depth and severity depending on the weight and movement of the furniture. Furniture scratches can range from surface-level marks to deep gouges.

DIY Methods for Light Surface Scratches

When it comes to small, light surface scratches on your wood floor, there are several DIY methods you can try before resorting to more extensive repairs. These methods are particularly effective for scratches that are only noticeable up close. Let’s explore some of these DIY solutions:

Stain Markers

Stain markers, also known as touch-up markers, are a convenient tool for camouflaging light scratches on your wood floor. These markers come in various wood tones and can be used to color over the scratch, matching it to the surrounding area. Simply apply the marker to the scratched area, allow it to dry, and gently blend it with a soft cloth.

Wax Sticks

Another effective DIY solution for light surface scratches is wax sticks. These sticks are designed to fill in the scratched area and provide a protective layer. To use a wax stick, simply rub it gently over the scratch, making sure to fill it completely. Once the scratch is filled, use a soft cloth to buff away any excess wax and blend it with the rest of the floor.

Natural Remedies

If you prefer natural remedies, there are a few options that can help minimize the appearance of light scratches on your wood floor. One popular method is to create a paste using olive oil and baking soda. Mix equal parts of olive oil and baking soda to form a paste, then apply it to the scratch. Gently rub the paste into the scratch using a soft cloth, and wipe away any excess with a clean cloth.

Blending Pencil

A blending pencil is a handy tool for light surface scratches, especially those that are lighter in color. These pencils are specifically designed to fill in scratches and blend them with the surrounding wood. To use a blending pencil, simply choose a pencil color that matches your floor’s color and carefully fill in the scratch. Then, using a soft cloth, gently buff the area to blend the pencil color with the rest of the floor.

By utilizing these DIY methods for light surface scratches, you can effectively minimize their appearance and restore the beauty of your wood floor. Remember to always test any remedy or product in an inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire scratch. If the scratch persists or the damage is more severe, it may be necessary to consider professional assistance or explore more advanced repair techniques.

Repairing Deeper Gouges and Damaged Areas

If your wood floor has deeper gouges or more significant damage, you will need to use more advanced repair techniques to restore it to its former glory. One effective method is to utilize wood filler to fill in the gouges. Wood fillers are specially formulated to repair and fill in deep scratches, cracks, and gouges in wood surfaces. Choose a wood filler that matches the color of your wood floor for a seamless repair.

Once the wood filler has dried and hardened, the next step is to sand the repaired area. Sanding smooths out the wood filler, creating an even surface that blends in with the rest of the floor. Start with a coarse-grit sandpaper to remove any excess filler and gradually move to finer-grit sandpaper for a smooth finish. Take care not to oversand the surrounding areas to maintain an even look.

After sanding, it’s time to apply the refinishing technique that matches your wood floor’s original finish. Whether it’s applying a fresh coat of varnish, polyurethane, or wax, following the manufacturer’s instructions is crucial for a successful finish. This process helps restore the damaged areas and makes them blend seamlessly with the rest of the floor, giving it a renewed and polished appearance.

how to fix scratches on wood floor

By repairing deeper gouges using wood filler, sanding the repaired areas, and applying the appropriate refinishing technique, you can effectively restore your wood floor’s integrity and visual appeal. Remember to be patient and meticulous during the repair process, as attention to detail is key to achieving professional results. With the right techniques and a little effort, your wood floor will regain its natural beauty and provide you with years of enjoyment.

Preventive Measures and Maintenance Tips

To prevent future scratches on your wood floor, it’s important to take preventive measures and implement regular maintenance.

1. Use Furniture Pads

Placing furniture pads under the legs of chairs, tables, and other heavy furniture can help prevent scratches caused by movement. These pads provide a protective barrier between the furniture and the floor, reducing the risk of damage.

2. Utilize Rug Pads

If you have rugs or mats placed on your wood floor, ensure they are properly secured with rug pads. Rug pads help prevent slipping and sliding, which can otherwise cause scratches or scuffs on the floor’s surface. They also offer additional cushioning and support for your rugs.

3. Regular Cleaning and Sweeping

Maintaining a clean floor is essential for preventing scratches. Regularly sweeping and cleaning your wood floor removes dirt, dust, and other abrasive particles that can scratch the surface. Use a soft-bristled broom or a microfiber mop to avoid causing any damage while cleaning.

4. Trim Pet Claws

If you have pets, their claws can inadvertently scratch your wood floor. Regularly trimming your pet’s claws can minimize the risk of scratches caused by their nails. Consult a professional groomer or veterinarian for guidance on the proper way to trim your pet’s claws.

By following these preventive measures and maintenance tips, you can significantly reduce the chances of scratches on your wood floor and keep it looking flawless for longer.

how to fix scratches on wood floor


Repairing scratches on wood floors may seem daunting, but with the right techniques and tools, it can be a straightforward process. By understanding the different types of scratches and matching them with the appropriate DIY methods or more advanced repair techniques, you can restore your wood floor to its former glory.

For light surface scratches, consider using stain markers, wax sticks, or natural remedies such as olive oil and baking soda. These simple solutions can help minimize the appearance of scratches and blend them with the surrounding wood.

For deeper gouges and damaged areas, you may need to use wood filler, followed by sanding and refinishing techniques. These methods can effectively restore the damaged areas and make them seamlessly blend with the rest of the floor.

However, prevention is always better than cure. Implementing preventive measures such as using furniture pads, rug pads, and regularly cleaning and sweeping your floor can help reduce the risk of scratches. Don’t forget to trim your pet’s claws regularly to avoid scratches from their nails.

Now armed with these tips and guidelines, you can confidently tackle wood floor scratch repair and enjoy your pristine hardwood floor for years to come. Remember, a well-maintained wood floor can add value and beauty to your home, so it’s worth the effort to keep it in top condition.

